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Form: Mandatory attachment
Publication le 28 nov. 2023
I am trying to make the attachment mandatory in my form, without success.
I followed this guide:
But my code doesn't seem to work, it's this one added at the bottom of the script.js:
$(document).ready(function () {
// Function to start observing node for mutations
var startObserveMutations = function (nodeSelector, options, callbackFunction) {
var node = document.querySelector(nodeSelector);
if (node) {
var observer = new MutationObserver(callbackFunction);
observer.observe(node, options);
return observer;
// Callback function to execute when mutations in form attachments or dropdown are observed:
// clear or select Attachment checkbox according to dropdown
var mutationObservedForm = function (mutationsList) {
mutationsList.forEach(function (mutation) {
if (mutation.type == 'childList') {
// Define some variables for requiring form attachments
var attachmentCheckboxField = 'request_custom_fields_15233785880850';
var attachmentCheckboxId = '#' + attachmentCheckboxField;
var attachmentErrorNotification = 'Test';
var formDropdownClass = '.request_custom_fields_15106539093266';
var formObserveMutationOptions = { childList: true, subtree: true };
// Clear or select checkbox according to dropdown and attachments:
// Set Attachment checkbox if no attachments required, or if attachments are required and at least one is uploaded, otherwise clear it
function setFormAttachmentCheckbox() {
if (isFormAttachmentRequired()) {
if ($('#request-attachments-pool .upload-item').length) {
else {
else {
// Return true if dropdown option 'ABCD' is selected
function isFormAttachmentRequired() {
return $(formDropdownClass + ' a.nesty-input').attr('aria-expanded') &&
$(formDropdownClass + ' a.nesty-input').text() !=='';
// Select checkbox
function selectCheckbox(eltselector) {
$(eltselector).prop('checked', true);
// Clear checkbox
function clearCheckbox(eltselector) {
$(eltselector).prop('checked', false);
// If attachment checkbox field exists:
// Select the checkbox if attachment is not required
// Watch for changes to attachments and dropdown
if ($(attachmentCheckboxId).length) {
if (!isFormAttachmentRequired(formAttachmentDropdownClass)) {
startObserveMutations('#request-attachments-pool', formObserveMutationOptions, mutationObservedForm);
startObserveMutations(formDropdownClass, formObserveMutationOptions, mutationObservedForm);
// Adjust attachment error notification
var attachmentErrorElt = $('.' + attachmentCheckboxField + ' .notification-error');
if (attachmentErrorElt.length) {
2 commentaire
Greg Katechis
One important thing to note is that since this uses JQuery, you'll need to read this article if you have not already.
Gabriela Manarim
It would be interesting for this to be a native option, without edit the codes