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Child Ticket closure should by default open parent ticket

Avec réponse

Publication le 07 déc. 2023

Child ticket status change will not open parent ticket. In the current functionality, the parent ticket opens only if there is a comment done on the child ticket, not on the status change.

For Example - If my child's ticket agent does not comment on the ticket and just changes the status. The parent ticket should change the status automatically. 

Please suggest how to get this done. 






2 commentaire

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Zendesk Engineering

Hi Akanksha,
Unfortunately, this is a limitation at the moment. This may be considered in future updates. Thanks for sharing your feedback!
Paolo | Technical Support Engineer | Zendesk


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Sydney Neubauer

Zendesk Luminary

I have created a general feedback post for all SC limitations: Side Conversation Limitations – Zendesk help feel free to add this to that!


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