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Community Manager + Reporting & Analytics User Groups - March Meeting Recap
Publication le 27 mars 2024
Hi all!
First, a huge thanks again to Amanda Oka and the Reporting & Analytics User Group for joining us this month in our combined meet-up. It was both a stellar turnout as well as a great conversation + learning opportunity. For those that missed, here's a recording of the meeting. Below is a brief summary as well.
Hello and Welcome
We made some quick intros and hellos, especially to Amanda, User Group leader for Reporting & Analytics User Group, and to our members who joined us since February, including Chandra, Holley, Tym, Prudence and Jennifer. Hello again! Its great to have you.
Gather + Explore
This is the topic that brought us all together, and why we combined forces. The conjunction of community and reporting is not something that is new. For as long as there has been communities, there's been data too. The native tools offered by Zendesk to report on communities in Gather can have many uses. We chatted first on how our teams use Explore today.
There are as many metrics available as there are grains of sand. Okay, well maybe not that much, but you get the point. But what you gather is paramount in determining what you report. Communities often have common metrics of interest to stakeholders and we talked about some of the biggest ones, which included:
- New Memberships
- Active Members & % New Active Members
- Views, Visits and Top Content
- Engagement - by topics & type and by content
- Moderation Rates
- Searches and Clicks
Tip Sharing
Last but certainly not least was some time for sharing tips around reporting & analytics.
Amanda's tips
- Create standards
-use common terms for consistency
-set your town - Create flow
-know your data story
-the data should be loud and clear - Create action
-highlight your insights
Mike's tips
- Don't overthink it
-start out-of-the-box and tweak as you need
-give it smell test - Become familiar with it
-know your data
-be quick to the draw - Make it accessible
-build dashboards for audiences
-evangelize your data
Final thoughts
We closed with time for final Q&A and had some great group discussion on tactics to both get started with a community and get users re-engaged. Tips here included welcome emails and re-engagement campaigns for members.
Thanks again to Amanda and company for joining us. We look forward to partnering up again in the future!
See you at Relate?!
While I don't have the specifics lined up just yet, next month the Community Manager User Group will be coming to you from Relate in sunny Las Vegas. I will be attending so if you too find yourself at Related, I'd love to say hello and invite you to join us for our meet-up. More details on that to be published our User Group page and in email, so stay tuned!
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