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CSV export limitation
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Publication le 01 avr. 2024
Within the Account section, under Tools, navigating to Reports and selecting CSV export, we encounter an issue with the file size, which currently stands at 2.4 GB, making it too large for Excel to handle effectively.
Presently, there's no provision to specify a date range to limit the file size. Consequently, we resort to third-party applications to split the CSV export file, a process that consumes considerable time and resources, which we deem inefficient.
We propose that Zendesk incorporate a basic feature allowing users to select a date range, thereby mitigating this challenge and streamlining the data handling process.
1 commentaire
Amie Brennan
Hey, Are you just downloading copies of those reports into csv? If yes, I'd recommend you do exports of data from within Explore itself. It will allow you to set a date range prior to exporting the data to excel or CSV.