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How does parameters startTime and endTIme works?

Publication le 11 avr. 2024

I need to better understand how to use the startTime and endTIme parameters. Our Engineering team is only able to pull data from the API with these two parameters filled in with the same date, if they put the endtime greater than the starttime it returns the error below. 


  "status": 422,
  "body": {
    "message": {
      "startTime": [
        "The start time field must be a date equal to end time."
    "success": false


Do these two parameters always need to be the same or are we doing something wrong?



2 commentaire

Hi Jessica!

Thank you for reaching out with your questions about the use of the startTime and endTime parameters in our API.

Currently, our API is configured to retrieve data exclusively for a single day. This is why the startTime and endTime parameters need to be identical—the system is designed to process queries that cover exactly one calendar day. Including both parameters in our design anticipates future enhancements that will allow for data retrieval across multiple days, offering greater flexibility for data analysis and reporting.

Please ensure that both parameters are set to the same date to avoid the 422 error you have encountered. We appreciate your understanding and feedback as we plan to expand our API’s capabilities.

Regarding your other community message, we are reviewing it with our engineering team to provide you with a thorough and accurate response. We will reach out as soon as we have more information to share.

If you have any more questions or need further clarification in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best regards,




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