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Changing Comment from Private to Public
Publication le 22 nov. 2024
There are times when Zendesk uses its logic to determine if a comment should be public or private but then it assumes incorrectly and we as agents would like to undo its guesswork. We've read the articles about changing comments from Public to Private, but never the other way around.
For example, we have a request with one requester and three CCs. All four people are actively involved in the request and need to be copied on all emails. One of the CCs hits Reply instead of Reply All, and Zendesk assumes that means the CC didn't want the rest of the requesters to know about their response. Ergo, the comment is marked as Private. It makes total sense, right?
Except in this case, it was simply human error. Now, we have comments on the ticket that only an agent can see and the others are not being kept in the loop. The tread of the email conversation has been degraded because several messages are no longer visible. And asking the CC to resend their message as a Reply All seems like a CX faux pax.
Yes, we have the option to switch a public comment to a private, but it would be nice for agents to have the ability to flip it the other way around.
2 commentaire
Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!
Scott Tynan
+1 from me, this would be fantastic at resolving those weird random issues where a comment is made private.