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Does Zendesk Marketplace Apps support "Microsoft Entra OAuth" Authentication ?
Publication le 12 déc. 2024
Hi Team,
We are planning to develop a Zendesk app that integrates with Azure DevOps APIs. For authentication, we intend to use "Microsoft Entra OAuth" via the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL). However, we are uncertain if this authentication method is supported for apps in the Zendesk Marketplace.
We would greatly appreciate any guidance or clarification on this matter.
Thank you!
1 commentaire
Tipene Hughes
I'm not familiar with Microsoft Entra OAuth but after having a glance through their docs, it doesn't seem like there would be a conflict with using it in a Zendesk Marketplace app. I'd encourage you to give it a try and if you run in to any issues, let me know and we can troubleshoot from there.