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Why Does MSAL Fail to Initialize in a Deployed Zendesk App? which works fine Locally.

Publication le 12 déc. 2024

Hi Team,


We are developing a Zendesk app that integrates with Azure DevOps APIs, using "Microsoft Entra OAuth" with the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for authentication. While the Azure DevOps API works as expected in the local environment, MSAL fails to initialize when the app is deployed as a private app.


We would greatly appreciate any guidance or clarification on resolving this issue.


Thank you!



1 commentaire

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Christopher Kennedy

Zendesk Developer Advocacy

Hi Suman,
Can you share some more context:  
  • Are you building a server-side Zendesk app?  Or client-side app?
  • How are you including MSAL?  And how are you detecting that it's failing to initialize?


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