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Agent Home Filter for OPEN Tickets is Inconsistent

Publication le 14 janv. 2025

Using the new Agent Home, some Open tickets do not appear when filtering for Open. 

Your Work → Tickets → no filters applied = correctly showing all assigned Open, Pending, On-Hold tickets, as expected

Your Work → Tickets → add filter for “Open” and get zero or mixed results, inaccurate of all actual Open tickets


Example, 2 Open tickets assigned to me, ex991 and ex117. 991 has 36 hours and 117 has 2 days before SLA breach. I can't understand why 117 shows up with “Open” filtered but 991 does not.  


This issue happened to another Admin but their missing Open were tickets with SLA breaches. 



1 commentaire

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Zac Garcia

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Amy! I'm creating a ticket for you where we'll follow up in more detail!


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