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Auto Assist - Separate procedures based on brands
Publication le 23 janv. 2025
I would like to have the procedures separated per brand in the Guides section rather than it being shared with all brands within the same account. This makes the job difficult for team leaders and guide managers because, when a procedure is required for multiple brands, they have to clearly indicate in the procedure which steps are for which brand.
By managing them separately per brand, adding and maintaining the procedures makes it a lot easier because the procedure in question is specific to brand X and you don't have to make the distinction in the procedure itself.
We are not yet using Auto Assist on a full scale, but now in testing we are actually already running into this problem. As mentioned, the workaround is to clearly indicate in the procedure which brand it is, but in the long term and on a large scale this is not really workable with 30+ brands on the account.
Example how we are dealing with this issue now:
Check if brand is X. If brand is X do this:
Some text here.
Check if brand is Y. If brand is Y do this:
Some text here.
The ideal situation is that the procedures are separated per brand. Just like the articles in guides.
1 commentaire
Shawna James
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. This has been logged for our PM team to review. For others who may be interested in this feature request, please add your support by upvoting this post and/or adding your use case to the comments below. Thank you again!