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Stephen Belleau

Adhésion le 15 avr. 2021


Dernière activité le 27 févr. 2025

Zendesk LuminaryCommunity Moderator

Hi, I'm Stephen and I do Admin things! #clicks-not-code || 2014-2017 Salesforce Admin. || 2017-present Zendesk Admin





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Stephen Belleau a ajouté un commentaire,

CommentaireTicket management

Benjamin Kirsch Yes I think those types of subscription notifications should either be excluded, or be presented somewhere else instead of on every single ticket comment. Thanks for considering it! 

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 27 févr. 2025 · Stephen Belleau







Stephen Belleau a ajouté un commentaire,

CommentaireTicket management

Benjamin Kirsch Thanks for the great feature! We have one use case where these errors are a bit excessive: Organization Subscription notification


If all To: and CC: are successfully delivered, but the Organization has a separate user with invalid email who has subscribed to Org ticket updates, then every single public comment for all of that Organization's tickets will get this error.  This doesn't seem helpful, and can be a big distraction for agents. 

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 26 févr. 2025 · Stephen Belleau







Stephen Belleau a ajouté un commentaire,

Commentaire de la communauté Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Hey Ashwin Raju ! I see the records showing on the new request page now, thanks for fixing that!!


However, there is still an issue for users belonging to multiple orgs. If user changes from org A to B, the lookup continues to show records only for org A.

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 13 janv. 2025 · Stephen Belleau







Stephen Belleau a ajouté un commentaire,

Commentaire de la communauté Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Hi Ashwin Raju yes your example is correct for how we'd like it to work. Does your Device field show any records? We don't see any records on the new request page. The lookup filter works if an Agent creates a ticket within Zendesk, but it is not working on the new request page when a signed-in end user creates the ticket. 

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 20 nov. 2024 · Stephen Belleau







Stephen Belleau a ajouté un commentaire,

Commentaire de la communauté Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Hi Ashwin Raju thank you for your quick attention! I don't see the fix yet. The lookup field's filter still shows Ticket Organization as the only available dynamic filter.

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 12 nov. 2024 · Stephen Belleau







Stephen Belleau a créé une publication,

Publication Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Please give a quick overview of your product feature request or feedback and note who in your org is affected by this issue [ex. agents, admins, customers, etc.]. (2-3 sentences)

Earlier this year, we got this lovely feature: - but it has a gap.


Suppose I have a custom object called Products that will show which products or entitlements a customer has purchased. This custom object has a lookup relationship field called “Account Name” that looks up to the Organization.


Organization: ACME inc 

Product: Product A

Product: Product C

Product: Product D


When a requester submits a ticket, we want them to be able to select from the above products that their organization has purchased. So we create a ticket lookup relationship to the Product custom object, with a filter for Account Name = (dynamic filter for Ticket Organization)



PROBLEM: This dynamic filter doesn't work on the new request page when a customer creates a ticket. It is looking for Ticket Organization, but the Ticket does not exist yet, so it doesn't return any products. 


What we need is a dynamic filter for Requester/User Organization, so that a Requester on the New Request page can use this ticket field to see only the products their Org has purchased.


What problem do you see this solving? (1-2 sentences) 

This would allow for an improved user experience where customers can select from only the products or entitlements their organization has purchased. 


When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool? What happened? How often does this problem occur and how does this impact your business? (3-4 sentences)

This affects nearly every ticket. We expect the customer to provide us this data point in a text field today which makes for bad data, inconsistent reporting and requires agents to spend extra time double checking the customers' products/entitlements. 


Are you currently using a workaround to solve this problem? (If yes, please explain) (1-2 sentences)

See above


What would be your ideal solution to this problem? How would it work or function? (1-2 sentences)

The dynamic filter for User Organization will allow any user from the above example org to submit a new request, and select only Product A, C or D. They would not see other products that are not relevant to them that they haven't purchased.

Publication le 07 nov. 2024 · Stephen Belleau







Stephen Belleau a ajouté un commentaire,

Commentaire de la communauté Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

It would be nice if all ticket comments/events had an anchor link that can be shared with other agents to take them directly to that comment/event. 

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 21 nov. 2023 · Stephen Belleau







Stephen Belleau a ajouté un commentaire,

Commentaire de la communauté Q&A - Users, groups, and organizations

What do you mean by different departments - is it like Support vs IT vs Sales? Do each of the departments use Zendesk as well? Are they agents? If so, I think it's common for each department to have a Group, with an intake process for each. Maybe department A will also create side conversation tickets for department B. That can be done between Groups.

If you're talking about tracking which department various agents belong to - say, for reporting reasons - then a simple user dropdown field makes sense. 

Might need some more context to better understand your situation though!

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 14 juin 2023 · Stephen Belleau







Stephen Belleau a créé une publication,

Publication Discussion - Tips and best practices from the community

Hi there! Do you have really kind customers who reply just to say "thanks"? This is great, but it creates more work / clicks for agents, and can impact reporting on agent handle times / time to resolution.

Here's a tip to address that. It's not a perfect solution (the ticket still reopens, then immediately re-solves), but hopefully it helps until the decade-old feature request is addressed natively. One day. I believe 🤞

Okay, here's the idea. If any of this sounds complicated because webhooks and API, don't worry! We'll break it down step by step, and please feel free to comment with any questions.

  1. When a Solved ticket is replied to from the requester, and their comment includes "thank", "thanks", "merci" or any translations/variants you want, we are going to trigger an action to notify the "Update Many" bulk tickets endpoint. No, we aren't bulk updating multiple tickets. This endpoint can be used for a single ticket. It's useful for its "additional_tags" property that the regular update tickets endpoint does not have.
  2. In our call to that endpoint, our JSON body includes some liquid markup. We are checking the last public comment on the ticket for its comment.value.size before adding a unique tag, and solving the reopened ticket.

Why do we care about comment size? This will ensure we only solve the brief "thank you" tickets. We will not solve paragraphs that happen to include "thanks in advance for your help". We will not solve any "thanks, but I still need help with xyz". No false positives.

Why are we adding a unique tag? This is to aid you in reporting. If you are counting # end-user public comments, for example, you can subtract 1 for tickets that have this unique tag. Or, you can subtract 1 from # reopens for tickets with this tag. It's also a good idea have a unique tag in case troubleshooting is required.

Shout out to for Ash for inspiration from a similar solution to tag tickets containing attachments. I am shamelessly copy-pasting from some of their steps.

Here we go!

1. Enable API access (see screenshot)

Password Access (item 3 on the screenshot above) - enable if you want to authenticate using your admin username and password for the webhook API calls.

Token Access (recommended) - To use an API token for the webhook, select item 4 on the screenshot, then "Add API token". Copy the token right away. It is only shown to you once. This will be used for basic auth in the next step.

2.Create webhook
Title : Update Many endpoint

Method: PUT
Content Type: JSON

Authentication: Basic auth 

For basic auth with API token, your username will be Password is the API token created from step 1.

3. Create Trigger

Trigger Name: Close and Tag thank you replies

ALL Conditions:

  1. Status is Solved
  2. Comment is present
  3. Requester is current user
  4. Comment text contains the following words: thank, thanks, [insert translation or other variants]


Notify active webhook: Update Many

JSON body:

{% for comment in ticket.public_comments offset:0 limit:1 %}
{% if comment.value.size < 25 %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}

There you have it! Make sure to test different scenarios (solved replies with short "thank you" and solved replies with longer "thanks, but I still need help with..."). You might want to play around with the exact character count if you find 25 is too short. "thanks for your help!" is 21 characters.

If you don't have a sandbox, a tip for testing is to add an extra trigger ALL condition to say something like "Subject text contains MYNAMETEST" so it only fires on your test tickets. You can remove this condition when testing is complete.

Thanks for reading! 

Modification le 20 mai 2023 · Stephen Belleau







Stephen Belleau a ajouté un commentaire,

Commentaire de la communauté Feedback - Ticketing system (Support)

Amisha Sharma YES! Thank you, this looks much better now 😍

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 16 févr. 2023 · Stephen Belleau





