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RichL a ajouté un commentaire,

CommentaireUsing Built by Zendesk apps

Hi Frédéric! I see now...wasn't familiar with this system field.

Looks like "Linked Problem" will conditionally appear when you choose to label the ticket as an "Incident". I'm not sure what benefits using the Type field would have if you aren't going to use the Linked Problem feature. So you might want to consider just removing the "Type" field from your ticket form(s).

But if you want to use the "Type" to label tickets as Incidents and not use "Linked problem" you can hide Linked Problem with the ticket field manager app by hiding the field problem:

Afficher le commentaire · Modification le 04 févr. 2022 · RichL







RichL a ajouté un commentaire,

CommentaireUsing Built by Zendesk apps

Frédéric You can find the ticket field's ID by navigating to Settings (gear icon) > Ticket Fields (under Manage):

Locate the field with title "Linked problem" and the Field ID is what you need to hide the field in the ticket field manager app.

Afficher le commentaire · Modification le 03 févr. 2022 · RichL







RichL a ajouté un commentaire,

CommentaireUsing Built by Zendesk apps

Meg Gunther I don't see anything wrong with what you have for the "hide dropdown form options". Assuming you are putting the tag values for the options that all looks right to me. Here is what I'm using to hide dropdown options of a ticket field:

[{"name": "custom_field_1900001347434", "value": "option-tag-value-1"},
 {"name": "custom_field_1900001347434", "value": "option-tag-value-2"},
 {"name": "custom_field_1900001347434", "value": "option-tag-value-3"}]

The only thing I could suggest would be to experiment with either the Role or Group restrictions and see if that somehow activates the app.

In my Zendesk I chose the "Enable role restrictions" option and added the roles that should be able to see the fields and field options. And the fields/field options are hidden for everybody with a role other than what I added to the role restriction setting.

Afficher le commentaire · Modification le 03 févr. 2022 · RichL







RichL a ajouté un commentaire,

CommentaireUsing Built by Zendesk apps

Hi Meg Gunther

Ticket Field Manager is working as expected/required for me now.

I struggled with this for the better part of 2 days but eventually started seeing it doing what I needed it to be doing (and what I had done with it in 2 previous Zendesks).

I'm not certain exactly what I was doing wrong but I think it was because of the permissions I was setting for the app itself, and it had nothing to do with the ticket field settings.

As an Admin I want to be able to see all of the hidden ticket fields but then hide them from Staff/Agent role. So I think whatever I was doing with the app permissions to achieve this was wrong.

Currently I have it set with the "Enable role restrictions" checkbox checked off. And for the "Select the roles that should have access to this app" I have my "Admin" role added to that list.

I'm pretty sure I had this set as the exact opposite when I was having trouble. Where I was thinking that the agent roles for which I wanted to apply the ticket field restrictions should have access to the app but it appears to require the exact reverse configuration (as described previously) to function properly. I can't really remember the sequence of events but I think this was the source of my issues.

I would say double check the Role/Group restrictions first. Otherwise, it may just take a while for changes to propagate? Would also recommend testing out with a more simple field to hide than the JSON array you described.

This app is extremely barebones and unintuitive. These features should be native to Zendesk Support and that this app has not been improved in 5+ years only adds to what I consider unacceptable shortcomings for such a mature platform.


Afficher le commentaire · Modification le 31 janv. 2022 · RichL







RichL a ajouté un commentaire,

CommentaireTriggers and automations

Silas Johnson To troubleshoot, I'd say first try to get it working in a trigger. I'm assuming you're trying to insert this image into the email message body, right? Try putting the image tag into the email body and setup the trigger so that it will only fire on a ticket that you update. I had a problem with a wayward space in my image tag, so it could be something like that.

In the automation, I'm not sure if you need to put it into valid HTML. That's the only way I am using images in email body from an automation as part of my CSAT survey. You could try adding the and tags and all of that to make it valid HTML. Not really sure though without trying it out myself. Good luck!

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 21 janv. 2022 · RichL







RichL a ajouté un commentaire,

CommentaireTriggers and automations

Silas Johnson It looks like you're using some kind of placeholder in the image source? That looks like what you'd find under "Template" in the asset's properties in the theme editor.

I'm not sure if that should work but what I know worked for me is using the direct path to the asset that I uploaded. 

To get the full URL path to your image asset: Right click on the image from the theme editor and select "Copy Image Address". When you paste it you should see something like this:

Then take that URL and use it as your image source:" alt="description of image" width="100" height="100">

You might find it's helpful to include the width and height properties also. You can do a little trial and error to get those right. For easier experimentation you can put this all into a trigger rather than automation and once you know it is working and looks good put it into your automation.

Afficher le commentaire · Modification le 21 janv. 2022 · RichL







RichL a ajouté un commentaire,

CommentaireMeasuring success

Hey Anuj Singh!

There are many ways to set this up and ultimately how you do it would depend on how/when you want to send the initial CSAT survey and reminder.

An example of how you could do this:

1. Create an automation to send the initial CSAT survey 2 days after ticket is solved
2. Create a second automation to send the CSAT survey reminder 4 days after ticket is solved if a CSAT rating has not been provided by end-user for that ticket

Example automations:

Request CSAT from Customer automation

Conditions -- All

  • Ticket: Status IS Solved
  • Ticket: Hours since solved (calendar) Is 48
  • Ticket: Satisfaction IS Unoffered

Actions --

  • Notifications: Email user = (requester)
  • Email subject =
  • Email body =
  • Ticket: Satisfaction = offered to requester

CSAT Reminder automation

Conditions -- All

  • Ticket: Status IS Solved
  • Ticket: Hours since solved (calendar) Is 96
  • Ticket: Satisfaction IS Offered
  • Ticket: Tags contains none of the following csat-reminder-sent

Actions --

  • Notifications: Email user = (requester)
  • Email subject =
  • Email body =
  • Ticket: Add tags = csat-reminder-sent

The above setup should do the trick. You can of course add additional conditions to not send CSAT survey for certain tickets based on whatever makes sense for your situation.

The initial and reminder CSAT automations would both only run once with the above configuration. Once the Satisfaction is offered in the first automation it would never get set back to unoffered so that would only be able to activate once. And the second automation adds a tag which would prevent the CSAT reminder email from being sent a second time if the ticket were to be re-opened and then solved a second time after the CSAT reminder email was sent.

You could configure these automations differently if you want to re-send the initial CSAT email and/or reminder email. To re-send the reminder email upon re-solve you would just need to eliminate the tag condition and action from the reminder automation above. To re-send the initial CSAT survey upon re-solve you would need to also add a trigger which sets the Ticket: Satisfaction back to blank/null when Ticket: Status Changed from Solved and Ticket: Status Is Open and Current User Is (end-user)

That's a pretty detailed explanation but I may have missed something so I would suggest, like with any similar change, test and monitor the functionality once implemented. Other triggers or automations your Zendesk may have could introduce wrinkles that I can't account for or I may have just missed somethings as I think through this here. Good luck!

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 25 déc. 2021 · RichL







RichL a ajouté un commentaire,

CommentaireTriggers and automations

OP probably figured this out long ago but I figured I would post my experience here for future readers.

I was having same problem as OP. This was with .PNG file format though, which I know is supported because I'm using PNG images in my CSAT survey email. It turned out my problem was an erroneous space between the end of the image file location and the "> to close the tag.

I must have picked up an blank space when I did copy/paste of image location URL!

Here's an example of a properly formatted image tag with some additional image properties:" alt="contact support button" width="100" height="100">

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 10 déc. 2021 · RichL







RichL a ajouté un commentaire,

CommentaireSetting up Zendesk Chat

I found my way here from this article:

I'm not sure I understand all of the nomenclature "standard agent interface", "Phase 3", "Phase 4" but I'm pretty sure I'm on "Phase 4" and I'm definitely on a Suite subscription.

So I think the chat setup instructions on this page here applicable to me. However, I don't see anything about configuring ticket creation options for this Zendesk Chat Phase 4. I've poked through what appear to be all of the Zendesk chat settings from within the chat dashboard pages and I don't think I've seen any such settings. Are these settings not configurable for "Phase 4"?


Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 23 nov. 2021 · RichL







RichL a ajouté un commentaire,

CommentaireMeasuring success

Yaniv Dayan -- Thank you for your comments above surfacing and then explaining the delay between when End user rates the ticket and when the rating appears on the ticket from the Agent UI.

While I understand the rationale for why it works like this (as described above) I don't think this should have to be the way it works. Why would two rating events on the same ticket cause a problem with reporting? It is in fact two separate events: The user submits their rating and then the user submits a comment.

Seems like it should have always been recorded as two separate events but since it wasn't now it can't be changed.

I don't think it's a good practice to have the user submit something on a ticket and not have that reflected as an event immediately. There are use cases for triggering an event immediately upon the survey being responded to (which are admittedly edge cases) but still this I think is a dangerous idea as Zendesk system and admin should know a change was submitted as soon as it was submitted to inform triggers that might need to be executed in real time and not 15-45 minutes after the user completes some action. Just my two cents!

Afficher le commentaire · Publication le 19 nov. 2021 · RichL





