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Download excel report from New Team Members Page

Data ultimo post: 15 set 2021

I would like to see the option to download an excel report from the Team Members page.



9 commenti


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Tom Dupuche

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi @...,

Thanks for your feedback.

This is certainly a feature we are getting requests for. We have it on the roadmap, I'll bump it up in priority.


Tom Dupuche

Senior Product Manager - Team & license management



We need the option to download Team Members and even End user data on Excel for audit purposes hence it is very important for us. Hoping to see this option soon.


Hoping to see this soon as our Finance Department also requests this for audit purposes. Thanks!


Tom Dupuche, any news with this? timelines?



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Tom Dupuche

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Christian Jabson,

A dependency for introducing export team members is that we need to make the new Team members page the default experience for customers. That's what we are currently working on and will be released in August/September this year.

The next priority is export team members and our target timeline is by the end of 2022. Wish I could say it was sooner, but want to be realistic about timelines with you.


Tom Dupuche

Zendesk Product Manager



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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Thanks for circling back Tom Dupuche! Nice to hear it's definitely coming and a general timeframe.




Tom Dupuche sorry to follow up again but my company really needs this as a blocker for merger conversations, do you have an update on when this might be available functionality?


Any update on expected timeline for the availability of the team member download functionality? I need this for audit sake. Copy paste of the members into a spreadsheet is not desired and time consuming.


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