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What tickets were created from article visitors?

Data ultimo post: 27 ago 2021

In Reporting - Search we would like to be able to see the tickets that were created by visitors of articles. It would help us understand what the user could not find an answer to in the article. 

Today, we would have to go through every support ticket handled by our support team to see where the requester came from which is not ideal.



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Orsolya Forster

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Emelie Vink

Thank you for your feedback, I'd like to learn more about your use case. Are you interested in seeing which articles are the last visited articles before the ticket is created? Or are you interested in which tickets were created after a particular search term?
As I see it, both could be very valuable to know but are yet slightly different insights. I'm curious to see what you think.



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