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Zendesk Guide - Answerbot Explore

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Data ultimo post: 03 giu 2021

We have the agent workspace and have switched to messaging instead of chat.

Please could someone tell us how to get the click through rate, resolution rate and rejection rate when the channel is "answerbot"? We have figured out that this references our MESSAGING answerbot (not email) but we need to be able to see these figures to see how well it is working. Any ideas?

If we change the channel to "emails" we can see these boxes populated, we want this for answerbot too.



3 commenti

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Shai Sy Dimayuga

Zendesk Customer Care

Hi Emily!

At this time, Answer Bot Flow Builder reporting is still in progress and something that our product team is actively working on. For any new product updates, you may refer to: Zendesk Updates.



Is there a timeline for this? Shai Sy Dimayuga



Finally found the answer I was looking for, this is planned for Q2 22'. Posting here to help save anyone else time that might land here looking for the same answer :) https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4419723975322-Reflecting-the-Click-and-Resolved-Metrics-in-the-Messaging-Channel-of-the-Suggested-Articles-Dashboard



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