Option to assume as an agent
Con risposta
Data ultimo post: 08 ott 2021
As of now, Zendesk only allows us to assume as end user. It would be nice if we have a feature/option to assume as an agent (to manage some settings option for agents, particularly Zendesk views, to have fewer groups and to avoid multiple views created by different groups). Also, it would be easy for admins to troubleshoot agent facing issues, without having agents involved. Thanks.
23 commenti
Note from the Zendesk Community Team: Sam's instructions here are out of date, as they predate the move of this functionality to Admin Center. However, user Pam Carter has provided updated instructions in her comment below, here. Thanks Pam!
Hi Johnny J! It is possible to do this through a workaround. To do so:
Johnny J
Samuel Mosher you are awesome! Thank you very much for your help:)
Wondering, if there's an option to revert identity after we get into agent's dashboard page. I can only see the option to sign out. Any help is much appreciated.
Johnny J Yes! If you go to Guide, a box should appear to revert identities.
Johnny J
Great, thank you again Sam
Jacob the Moderator
Hi Johnny J
You should be able to revert your identity from the Guide product or by visiting https://your-domain.zendesk.com/users/revert
Pam Carter
This article needs updating. Here are the instructions we were given
To assume an agentidentity:use the URL: [yoursubdomain].com/users
Johnny J
Great, thanks for sharing this Pam.
Dave Dyson
Thanks for providing updated instructions, Pam Carter!
Let's make it simple
To assume:
URL: [yoursubdomain].zendesk.com/users - then select which agent to assume identity
To revert:
URL: [yoursubdomain].zendesk.com/users/revert
Pam Carter
That did not work for us. We have multiple brands and it caused me to get locked out of the system. It may work if you only have 1 brand but for us, having multiple brands, it does not work. (We had our Zendesk implementation person on the call walking us through it)
Hi Pam, we also have multiple brands and not sure why it does not work for you but I am assuming you are an admin as well?
To assume:
URL: [yoursubdomain].zendesk,com/users - then select which agent to assume identity
To revert:
URL: [yoursubdomain].zendesk.com/users/revert
Jean-Baptiste Brière
Team, any plan to add this feature in the current UI? This is a very useful tool.
Anastasia Kachanova
+ 1 to add this feature to the current UI
Atanas Tomov
Will be amazing to see this with the current UI of ZD
L'alternative est de créer un agent light mais les fonctionnalités sont drastiquement réduites
Would love this to be part of the modern UI.
Additionally, we used this to create API tokens via an account that wouldn't be turned into an end user nor deleted if someone moved on from the team. Now, we receive an error message directing them to contact the instance owner. The instance owner receives the same message. This is a critical use case for us.
Please add this to the current UI of Zendesk.
Sean Newton
Thank you all for the feedback. I'd like to understand the use case a bit more. I know this is a fairly long running thread. Just be clear, are you requesting the ability to assume as an agent directly from the UI? Also, is this so you as an admin can get a view of your agent's specific setup / account?
Anastasia Kachanova
Hi Sean,
Exactly. This functionality is needed to troubleshoot and verify on agents tech issues sometimes.
Will be beneficial to have it available as part of native UI.
Mackenzie Nelsen
Yes @Sean. The ability to assume as an agent directly from the UI would be really helpful. For my usecase, yes, it's so I can see and troubleshoot my agent's specific setup / account.
For instance, when setting up an agent with groups it is hard to verify what tickets I am setting them up to see when there are multiple dependencies. I had to screen share with an agent while updating multiple settings to see if they could see the subset of tickets that I wanted them to see. It would have taken 5 minutes if I could assume the identity myself.
David Rowe
Hi Sean, echoing what the others have said, having the ability to view an agents setup would be extremely helpful when it comes to troubleshooting issues agents may be having as well as being able to visualise how different agents are set up with different workspaces etc
Stephen Skouboe
It would be nice to add this to understand what a regular agent see, when they ex. create their own views ect. We admins see it abit differently