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Block inappropriate text and attached files
Data ultimo post: 10 feb 2021
We hope:
1.When the guest enters inappropriate text like "dead" in the ticket form, the request cannot be sent and an error message is displayed.
2.When a guest adds pornographic and violent pictures to the ticket form or email reply, zendesk can automatically determine and classify the ticket as spam.
Or at least hope to be able to confirm on veiw that those tickets contain additional files
3. Replace preview with the URL of the attached file.
We don’t want to see the thumbnail of the added image as soon as we open the ticket
3 commenti
Joshua Morris
Yes, I agree, we can't turn off the attached files function. What if someone adds an executable virus or something into our system? Also, I would like to see more functionality for ticket fields such as:
SSN formatting: xxx-xx-xxxx
Phone Number formatting: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Date: When you tab it doesn't keep the date, but changes it to today's date.
Number fields can only have 9 numbers, must have 9 numbers
Remove Subject and Description fields
Rositsa Pavlova
We find the Live chat file transfer very helpful, but we are considering turning it off again, because there is no filter for what content the agents will receive and we received explicit images. It's a shame that with today's technologies this is not something Zendesk can help with.
Sai Karri
@zendesk Can you please take this up in the product feedback?
Neither there is a native feature in Zendesk that automatically detects malicious attachments, such as pornographic images, abusive text, etc.. NOR there is a suitable third-party app that could review such attachments or text. This is really important.
There should be profanity filter (there is one 3P app but only for Agent messages/output)