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Data ultimo post: 05 apr 2021
Is there any way to see which users are following which posts or topics?
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Data ultimo post: 05 apr 2021
Is there any way to see which users are following which posts or topics?
1 commento
Dave Dyson
Hi Sandra,
This can be done via these two API endpoints:
List Post Subscriptions: Lists the subscriptions to a given post.
List Topic Subscriptions: similarly lists the subscriptions to a given topic.
These will give you a list of Zendesk user IDs. To turn those into names, you'll need to use the Show Users API endpoint:
Show User
If you're not experienced at writing API scripts, Postman is a tool that can make the task somewhat easier: How do I set up Postman to make API requests to my Zendesk account?
Hope this helps!