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Locale of error message
Data ultimo post: 17 mar 2021
I would like to know how the language of the error message is determined.
When locale of the admin user is Japanese, the error message of REST API from the same agent comes in various languages, sometimes Japanese language, sometimes English, Portuguese, Korean.
8 commenti
Greg Katechis
Hi Megumi! We have different error handling based on the specific APIs that are being called, so could you please provide the API calls and any payloads that you're passing in when you're seeing these discrepancies?
Megumi Nakamura
Thanks Greg,
API which contains the error message is
Original jobs are from these APIs.
The error messages in the "results" of the job statuses are like
Greg Katechis
Hi Megumi, thank you for sharing that! I've done some research and it appears that the error will be thrown in the default language of the user where the issue occurred. Can you confirm this with the errors that you shared above?
Megumi Nakamura
Thank you for response Greg.
No, the language of the error was not the default language of the user. The API was executed by admin whose default language is Japanese, and the target end-user had also Japanese as default language.
I repeated the same request and the error came in different languages.
Greg Katechis
Thank you for sharing that...that helps us try and narrow this down a bit more, although the root cause is still eluding us. Just so that we have a better idea of how to narrow this down:
Megumi Nakamura
Thank you for investigating.
> Does this occur every time you try to call the job status endpoint?
Yes, they were always the job status endpoint when I noticed this issue.
> Do you do anything different when this issue does present itself?
No, I didn't do any special thing. I just repeated on a terminal.
> Have you seen any patterns at all to the timing?
No, I didn't find any patterns.
> I see that around that same time, there were a number of other calls to the job status endpoint...did those all return correctly in Japanese?
They were mostly in English when I tried yesterday. The order was Japanese, English many times, Portuguese, English many times.
I saw Japanese or English many times in error messages in job statuses. The other languages such as Portuguese or Korean are rare case, I think. But some customers wants to know why the language differs.
Greg Katechis
Ok, great, thanks again for that information. I was talking with some of our engineers yesterday and they had created a fix for this in a different area in the past and they'd like to investigate it here to see if it follows the same pattern. As such, I'm going to get a new ticket started for you and create a problem ticket for that team to begin the investigation.
I'm hopeful that they will be able to find something soon, so as soon as they do, I'll update you in that ticket. Once we have a full resolution here, I'll also update this post in case anyone else is experiencing this.
Thanks for all of the help getting to the root of this so far!
Megumi Nakamura
Thanks Greg. I got the ticket.