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New Team Member Page feedback - no search feature?
Data ultimo post: 05 ott 2021
We have over 100 team members, so while filtering capabilities are nice, we really need to be able to search for a specific agent profile by their name or email. Please add the search bar back to the new page. any account with over 25+ team members i can imagine would greatly benefit from using search in addition to filters. i've hated having to search for an agent's user profile in Support, then click over to the admin center from there. i like that the admin center means i can now finally go directly to the admin center to change settings for my team, rather than starting in support, but the search feature is important to my workflow as an admin!
5 commenti
Tom Dupuche
Hi everyone,
Thanks for your feedback - the aim of the preview release was to get early feedback to make sure we worked on the right things.
We've heard your feedback about search and we've moved it earlier on our priority list and we're working on it now.
Hoping to release this feature by the end of this month.
Tom - Product Manager
Yoni Pinto
+1. We have a large roster of users in various roles, and although being able to filter by different roles is nice, finding individual users in the team members page is faster than using the regular ZD UI to search for users --> manage in admin center.
No search is the biggest let down of trying the new page.
Permanently deleted user
+1 I'd also like to see the option to configure the visible columns or at least have the role of each user as default column in the list.
Molly Katolas
YES the new Team Member page is effectively useless to me if I can't search for users by name/email address. The workflow of searching in Support and then being redirected to the Admin Center is really cumbersome.