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Alphabetical order

Data ultimo post: 05 ott 2021


I would be thankful if Zendesk could step to an alphabetical order in their menus.

It's a daily struggle to find the different menu points in the menus. An alphabetical order would be a huge help.

Thanks + regards



3 commenti

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Phil Grove

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Julian, thanks for your feedback. When you say "menus", are you referring to the Admin Center navigation on the left hand side of the page or lists of items on pages such as Triggers, Macros etc.?

Thanks, Phil.


Hey Phil,

yes, exactly. :-)

E.g. for me it's not clear why under "Team" the point "team members" is located over "roles" and "groups". 

Same in the other sections like "Configuration" oder in "Channels" etc.pp.

Thanks + regards


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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

I like this too! Or just give us a shortcut to use for search to find the menu item we're looking for. Like if we hit the "/" key (while not in a text field or an editable field), then I can just search for "roles" and it brings me there.


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