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Duration hours for ticket id for respective group

Data ultimo post: 04 feb 2021

Hi Team,

I would want to know how many hours the respective ticket id's are pending in respecting group before its solved

I would want to display all the ticket groups in the columns with ticket id and hours in rows

And in filter i want to use the ticket submitter and ticket updater name

Ticket ID Group A Group B Group C Group D Group E
145767 3 HR 2 HR 8.5 HR    
67899 4 HR 7 HR 2.3 HR 1.1 HR  
788686 1 HR 4 HR 2 HR 7 HR 2 HR



4 commenti

I don't think that this is generally available in Explore. 


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Devan La Spisa

Zendesk Community Manager

Hello @...,

Jhan is correct that this currently isn't possible in Explore as the product stands. I'm going to move this into product feedback so our developers can consider this request for future updates. 

Best regards. 


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Hillary Latham

Community Moderator

I would LOVE to be able to do this type of thing in Explore!  We have several ways tickets are escalated to various teams and have back and forth with those teams and customer facing teams.  It would be great to break down how much time tickets spend with each team and/or assignee.


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Eugene Orman

Zendesk Product Manager

Have a look at this article - Reporting on the duration of fields. It describes how to report on time ticket spent in multiple groups. This set-up is based on the field changes previous value. There is one downside though, time in the last group will not be recorded because normally the ticket group is not changed at the resolution. 



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