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Need to target Agents with @mentions in comments on tickets as a trigger condition

Data ultimo post: 22 lug 2021


Feature Request Summary:

    We need the ability to @mention on comments agents that can be set as a conditional trigger.

Currently when we @mention it will add the agent as a follower. This is great we like that, to take this one more step. If we could target followers in triggers then we could alert them in slack. We currently have to create a webhook for each agent so they can get specific alerts that are of importance and worth notice too them. Creating dedicated channels for groups or if they are submitters or assignees is great but it's just missing this one other condition. An individual currently cannot receive a slack notification on their personal webhook to their direct message channel if they are a follower of a ticket. I have read a blog where someone gives a solution where you can target the comment text to the agent's alias. We aren't comfortable with this solution as we go to scale. We would like to target an object not a string match (it's a brilliant savvy way to paste things together but it isn't good for the long term solution). Could you please make followers a condition we would greatly appreciate that. an And or request would be if the Zendesk app for slack could notify on a person's direct message channel for all tickets they, their group, or that they are following.

Description/Use Case:

1. I get a ticket notification on my personal slack channel notifying me a client has a technical problem at a facility with our product. This is a ticket that is assigned to the IT group therefore Zendesk's trigger condition has been engaged on my custom trigger to notify me on my direct Slack channel because one of the conditions for this trigger is "new ticket created in my group".

2. I begin identifying the problem and I have to contact the client at a facility and therefore I need information from a member of the client team group. I know the individual lets call her Mary. I'm juggling allot of tickets at the moment and I'd like to notify Mary in a fast efficient and organized manner. I write in the comment section of the ticket "@Mary I need your assistance on this ticket." I submit the ticket as open and this makes Mary a follower of the ticket.

3. Mary becomes a follower of the ticket, she uses Slack as her primary source of communication and notifications for work related matters. Because she's a follower of this ticket she can now be notified by slack through her custom webhook that's set to deliver notifications to her personal feed because one of the notification trigger conditions is "when change happens on a ticket I'm a follower of".

Business impact of limitation or missing feature:

If we utilize Slack currently for notifications we are limited to channels that are too broad in scope to target. We're getting too many notifications in Zendesk channels we've assigned and this diminishes the sense of urgency as we manage our day. By group is too broad at times for changes in tickets to receive many notifications. There are tickets we need to be aware of when we're not assignee or submitters.

It's frustrating to know when to pay attention to notifications when we get so many currently that aren't specific enough for us.

Other necessary information or resources:

The second link is a solution we've found. It's a brilliant maneuver and implementation but it's not something we're comfortable with at scale and long term because it's targeting a string value of the object Alias, we want direct agent match as an object. 



Thank-you for considering this request we hope this can be done.




6 commenti


Hi Anthony Ruiz, thanks for the feedback, and thank you for the helpful additional info Chandra Robrock! To confirm, you're looking for a condition within a trigger that has individuals selectable (from which you could then trigger Slack notifications, etc.)? So it would look something like:

IF cc's contains user_1, user_2, user_3 THEN do an action? I'll happily add this to our list of new trigger conditions and actions that we hope to implement - but want to make sure I'm capturing the capability properly. I can't promise a timeline for this, but it's something we definitely hope to get to. Thanks again for the feedback!


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Chandra Robrock

Most Helpful - 2021Community Moderator

If I could up-vote this post 1,000 times, I would. Being able to create triggers based on both @mentions and Followers would be a HUGE game changer for us!

I was actually the author for the User Tips post you mentioned (happy to hear you stumbled upon it!). While it has done wonders for our team, it’s definitely a hacky workaround for a Trigger Condition that I know myself and many other of my colleagues would really benefit from. Luckily, we’re still a pretty small Support team, but the solution will only become even more cumbersome to implement / manage as our team grows.

The ability to trigger based on Followers would unlock even more value since we utilize Light Agents, so we're often tagging in non-Zendeskers into certain threads. Our company primarily operates out of Slack as well so we're always looking for ways to notify relevant parties of tickets in Slack versus relying on email notifications which can be a tad noisy. 

Would definitely love to see the ability to trigger based on both the @mention & Followers in the future!


Hi @..., I noticed that when I @mention someone on Zendesk, the text is rendered as:

This is a sample mention of **User's Name**

in the placeholder. We're essentially swapping the mention out for bolded text. Is there a way we can preserve that mention so we can accurately look up via some ID who the mentioned user is?


Hi Kyle! I hope you are doing well. Unfortunately, currently the @ symbol can't be preserve the way we currently have it setup in ZD. 
Also we won't be able to @ mention a user via ID, @ mention are tied to Help Center accounts and we would have to mention individuals(names or alias) not by ID.


I think this is a critical change request; I would consider a separation of following/mentioned entirely so that light agents can also start @mentioning; following is "chatty" and hard to track and mostly gets thrown in a folder, especially with a large organization and very high ticket volumes (and long threads).

I would like not to get all updates about tickets I need to intervene or read in; instead, I get pointed at a specific comment and can address it faster.


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Joel Cohen

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey Anthony, thank you so much for taking the time to provide us with your feedback here. I understand the request however at this time we are not able to commit to prioritizing this feedback. 
At this time we are going to close this post for comment and mark it as “Not Planned”. If you are interested in learning more about this and other features being built please make sure to check out our Community events and Zendesk Updates. Thank you again for your feedback and we appreciate you being a valuable Zendesk Community member.


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