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Follow up Message in Whatsapp Messaging
Data ultimo post: 31 mar 2021
I have subscribed Social messaging support in Zendesk and using Whatsapp as our main channel to our customer. Right now, i am facing the issue to reduce the % Reopened tickets. The reopened tickets will be counted as the number of ticket that reopened after solved. In my current ticket flow, we make the ticket solved after the agent reply the ticket, meanwhile we cannot keep the tickets pending or open to wait the customer to reply and we cannot control that, it would be impacted to our long resolution time also. I had a chit-chat with the Zendesk Agent and she told me that Zendesk have advice to set the follow up message here: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205693448-Workflow-recipe-Sending-automated-ticket-reminders-to-customers but unfortunately this automation cannot be set in social messaging whatsapp.
It would be helpful if Zendesk can build this feature :)
1 commento
Prakruti Hindia
Hi Devi,
Thank you for writing in. Sending a follow up message to social messaging using Triggers is not supported at the moment. We are continuously looking at improving the product experience for Social Messaging. We will consider your feedback.
- Prakruti