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Set assignee and group based upon end user country

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Data ultimo post: 05 lug 2021

Several of our support agents work across more than one group, for example an agent in Netherlands may also support a customer in Belgium. Currently we have two separate groups for these teams in Zendesk, one or two agents in the Netherlands group also give support through the Belgium group.

Until such a time that we may decide to merge the two teams is there a way to set the assignee / support group of the ticket based upon our end users location. Currently it is assigned based upon the assignee's default group which the agent must then change manually.   



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Heather Rommel

Zendesk LuminaryThe Product Manager Whisperer - 2021Community Moderator

Hi James,

I'd suggest starting to set the foundation for the merge of the groups by creating new custom fields that indicate Netherlands and Belgium (and any other locations).

I'm not sure how you're routing tickets today to the current groups, but I would update those triggers to also set the new custom location field at the ticket level. You can do this on the user level too which you could use to automate all tickets from that user to that location.

Then update your Views to include the new location field

Then you can change the groups anytime you're ready (and let your Agents know what's going on!)

Let us know if you need any other assistance.




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