Internal Comments on Guide Articles
Data ultimo post: 08 giu 2017
It would be very useful to have internal comments on KB articles and Topics that are only visible to agents and light agents. Often content that faces the customer may have related internal remarks or notes related when an article should be updated (eg; new features related to the content of the article) or when the article should be pulled due to the product going EOL. It could also be used to give agents tips and tricks on explaining the content to a customer who still has a question or needs clarification.
57 commenti
Orion Seaver
Ryan McGrew
Hi Ryan,
This Feature Request is 5 years old with 38 customers requesting it.
This limitation has a major business impact for us.
Can I please get an update on the status of this Feature Request?
In the meantime, is there a workaround?
Chris Hay
Hi All,
I too would like to see this system change. Having a KB that has the ability to have both public AND private comments could help streamline our KB system, and provide us support agents with more information within a single article.
Dan Cooper
Orion Seaver thanks for taking a look. My proposed solution made sense for my team at the time as we were using Zendesk internally and our notes weren't problematic if someone internally saw them. I wouldn't recommend it for public help centers where your notes may have internal process hidden away.
I'm holding out for this feature myself. Make sure to add a vote to the post if you haven't already so that the Zendesk PM team can get the signal that this is a priority for you.
Orion Seaver
This Feature Request is 5 years old with 42 customers requesting it.
This limitation has a major business impact for us.
Can I please get an update on the status of this Feature Request? Ryan McGrew stated that there would be an update available soon in 2018.
In the meantime, is there a workaround?
Thanks for the update Katarzyna Karpinska! Unfortunately for us and I'd guess most other organizations, Content Blocks don't really address the need here. I suppose it would be ok to use as a temporary workaround, but it doesn't really meet the need and would create a lot of clutter in the list of Content Blocks.
Many of us just need a way to put a piece of text in the article - either inline or preferably as a whole separate field that displays inline - that is an internal note or section. Our support engineers use articles as much as or more than even our customers do, and having the ability to have both internal and external content in the same article is so important.
Without having this ability, we have to create two separate articles for one issue.
Orion Seaver
Thank you for the update Katarzyna Karpinska
I would agree with John Streeter. Content blocks might be better than nothing. But it seems like a cumbersome workaround that may be difficult to manage long term.
What are the long term plans to have this as a full feature in the product? :
Claudio Proietti
Hi, Katarzyna Karpinska
is there any news related to the possibility of having internal comments on the articles?
Do you have an ETA considering that we are already in July?
Also, do you think the possibility to comment on the articles could be extended to the Lite Agents too?
Katarzyna Karpinska
Claudio Proietti, as much as it still stays on our roadmap we are not currently working on this request. We are focusing on the images in CB and upgrades to our editing tools. You can always check what we are working on on our roadmap.
Matthew Kentala
It would be great to get this on the roadmap and it's pretty frustrating that this hasn't already been added. The request has been out there for a number of years. Honestly, this seems like a basic thing a product like this should offer. There are many times you need to reference associated tickets, internal pages, internal bugs, etc.
Malin Ahnstedt Sjöström
I agree with this as weel, It would be a valuable feature to have internal comments for the content in the KB.
+1 request for the ability to add internal comments to Help Centre articles.
In our specific case, we would like to have this feature to (among other things) add a link to the Asana task related to content creation and review for each specific article. Currently, we have to write the link at the bottom of the article and delete it before publishing.
Mary Paez
regarding the statement:
Mary Paez
Another reason to not use content blocks for comments shared by agents is that the content we would share applies to only one article.
I understand that Content blocks were intended to share content among several articles (write once, use many times!). I dont think it was intended for recording agent (internal) comments on (public) articles.
Seems there should be a field within the article that is reserved for agent comments. Once an agent adds comments, they are appended like a footnote to a document (at the bottom) and dated. See screenshot.
Then, other agents can see these comments, but customers who view the article from the portal cannot. In past work at IBM, we allowed any agent to add a comment/date to any article. They accrue on that article but are not visible to any portal users.
Katarzyna Karpinska As for your third bullet point, we need a way to share unpublished articles with stakeholders for approval before we publish them. These are product owners and customers without agent access to Zendesk. Providing them with a Zendesk license would be cost-prohibitive and inconvenient, for the handful of articles they need to approve a year. Currently, we build articles in Zendesk, then copy/paste them into a Google Doc. Stakeholders add comments and suggestions to the doc, and then we go back to Zendesk to make those changes. Finally, we copy/paste the final article back into the document for final approval. If there was a way to share unpublished articles with these external stakeholders and eliminate the copy/pasting to an external document, we could save time and reduce errors.
Hi Katarzyna Karpinska,
With reference to the request made by JD above,
I would like to point out that copying and pasting text from one application to another adds weird, unnecessary tags to the article's source code, which cause problems for the localisation team when translating the articles with CAT tools.
Jake Mahon
Hi - I have a question about this sentence in the official comment:
Is this feature still on the roadmap? If so, when is it planned for release?
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi Jake Mahon,
This is definitely something that we want to add to content blocks in the future, but currently, we are working on other priorities (everything related to article multiplacement) and can't focus on this request.
With our documentation in Guide, it is essential for us to have features common to writing software, like internal comments and collaboration within the editing view of an article. We often have just one or two questions about an article that we need someone to look at. It is inefficient to have to pull the article out of Zendesk to collaborate on it or to send a screenshot to someone. Many users in our organization are surprised that we can't collaborate within Zendesk. Ideally we should be able to highlight parts of the text and leave an internal comment on those and tag an internal user/agent in them to look at.
Allison Sargent
Same as Lindsey and others, we NEED the ability to make internal comments on public articles to help agents. This helps to reduce redundancy and minimize content (which therefore makes it easier to surface the RELEVANT content) for agents and users.
As an app developer, we sometimes need to inform agents about a recent bug or issue, so it would be lovely to copy/paste the bug link in the articles that the user may go to or try to use to self-serve due to said bug. It will help the agent to remember there's a current issue and to let the user know we are aware and working on a fix.
I also collaborate with people outside of my dept as a KCM, so I work with Product and Marketing teams who do NOT have access to or use Zendesk. While we have updated permissions for those "lite" users, it would be amazing to share the Guide link with them, and then they can essentially "comment" on the article just like a Google doc. Cross-department collaboration is at an all-time high and this feature would really help to streamline the effort.
Maddy Snyder
+1 to the importance of all the features being requested (highlighted in the "official comment" pinned to this post), as these are all very basic capabilities that are expected with any standard knowledge base provider. Katarzyna Karpinska, when trying to view the roadmap you linked in a comment above (from July of last year, 2022), I'm told that I'm not authorized to view. Do you have an updated link, as well as any updates related to the development of the features you pinned in this thread?
Katarzyna Karpinska
Hi Maddy Snyder,
Unfortunately, the roadmap linked above is not available anymore and I haven't found time to recreate it yet.
Regarding comments on the article, it's still on our roadmap but I don't have any firm timeline yet.
Nhuận Hoàng
Really need this feature. What is the status of this Feature Request?
Chris Hay
After a few years of nothing on this, I guess it doesn't matter anymore. My company has left Zendesk, and we are using another provider now. Good luck all. It seems that getting things fixed for the better is not something Zendesk puts a high priority on.
Kristjan Praks
The commenting feature should really be something essential. A common use is that someone writes an article and then another reviews it. Right now, we have to try and add review comments through other channels. Imagine if you were collaborating on a Google doc, and it didn't have any comment features.
And it would be good to be able to share article drafts with stakeholders who don't have ZD agent accounts necessarily.
Just want to add another feedback in 2024 that my organization also desperately needs a solution to add “Internal Notes” to articles that only agents can see. Agree with earlier feedback that hacking Content Blocks for this function for individual articles would negatively impact Content Block management (also since CB's don't have revision tracking/safeguards).
Hoping we can find a weird source-code/CSS/JS implementation that might be able to manually bring us this feature, but I will be the only one at my org who can implement and edit that per article, which is not scalable or friendly to other authors or future admins of our KB.
A great way to implement an INTERNAL ONLY NOTE would be similar to the way the Code Block button currently works in the Guide Article Editor; you highlight text and
apply special formatting to it
and can go on to publish the article. However, I see people would have a need to specify which permissions/User Groups could see such content, which complicates how this could be implemented for all.Maybe other users here can share their workarounds in the comments while we wait for a better solution to arrive. Agree with all that this is severely limiting our Org and causing disbelief/confusion at higher levels as to why this can't be implemented out of the box.
Afton Rupert
+1 - would love to have this functionality!
Heather Rommel
Hi The Original DKNY ! We have interest in these features as well. Is there any progress on this as of late? Thanks in advance for your attention!
Here's our list of related requests:
Sometimes its useful to have an internal only text field available within articles where notes can be taken and no customer shall ever see it. Those internal notes might for example contain: