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Customize / Edit Ringtone for Incoming Calls and Keyboard Shortcuts for Voice


Data ultimo post: 19 ago 2016

Our team is a month in to using Zen Voice. We would love to be able to change the ringtone for incoming calls. Our reps have nightmares of the default ringtone after work away from the phones. A choice of ringtones or being able to upload our own ringtones would be fantastic.


Also, do you think it'd be possible to give us some keyboard shortcuts for Voice? For example: hanging up.



50 commenti


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Sean Chuang

Zendesk Product Manager

January 3, 2024 Update

Improvements to ringtone (e.g., volume, different tones) is currently on the roadmap for 2024. Thank you for your patience. 


June 28, 2023 Update

Improvement on ringtones is (still) coming. You can use your own ringtone! 

Here is the announcement on network settings. Apologizes but given the time required to move all our customers to new settings, this feature will be rolled out after September 12, 2023. 




May 31, 2023 Update!

Improvement on ringtones is (still) coming. You can use your own ringtone! 

However, in order to take advantage of custom ringtones, you will need to update your network settings - communications will be coming in the next 2 weeks. Please be on the look out. 




May 03, 2023 Update!

We are please to announce that in Q2, we will be rolling out an improvement on ringtones. You can use your own ringtone! 

We thank you for your patience; we see your upvotes!  





Hello Community Members,

Regarding your questions, these items are in our backlog but at this time, we have not prioritised it for development. I do apologise that it has taken a while but in 2023 we are looking to tackle a host of small (but very important) set of agent experience improvements.



+1 for different ring tones


+1 for different ringtones.


The current ringtone, when you are receiving calls 7 hours a day, has become a little irritating! The possibility of changing the incoming call tone would be fantastic :)

Will this be at all possible?

Many thanks




Please fix this. The current ringtone is FAR too quiet and it is often missed if the window isn't in focus.

We can customise chat notifications but not telephone ones? At the very least please give it a normal telephone ringing noise!!! 

Such simple things - WHY are they missed!??! 


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Simon - 

Things aren't missed, we just can't build everything that everyone asks for. We receive several hundred unique feedback requests every week, and can only build a handful each quarter. 

I cannot speak to why this one in particular has not yet been prioritized, but we'll continue to collect feedback from users on it and will update here if and when it is something the team determines would be significantly impactful for a large number of users. 


It would be very helpful for us to have this feature. We have different inbound numbers that need to be answered in a certain priority. Having different audio alerts for each line would be hugely beneficial. 


Also agree that more customizability would be awesome.  Ring Tone/Volume


another +1 for agent customization options for inbound calls - it's driving my team bonkers! 


+9000 for basic customization options for calls. Volume control would be great so that when I'm enjoying the daily grind and listening to "Today" by The Smashing Pumpkins via Spotify and I'm tip-tap-typing away at some customer emails I don't immediately receive a full-body wave of depression as that intrusive, painful ringtone blasts into my skull. B'great.


+1 I am just introducing this system in to my team and the first thing they asked for was the ability to change the  Ringtone for Incoming Calls. This feels like such a simple feature. 




Different ringtones please!!! Would like to change the sound I hear for the majority of my time 


+1 for different ring tones


Please can the ringtone be changed or an option to customise! It drives me mad when on the phone alllll day! 


+1 for different ring tones. Please update!


+1 for changing ringtones. If we add plusses for every year since this feature was introduced to the telephony market, we'd have quit a lot of upvotes ;)


+15 bumps for this feature.
The Agents in our organization would LOVE this option. I've personally answered over 25,230 zendesk voice calls over the last 4-5 years since ZenDesk introduced the Voice/Talk feature. 

I can't exaggerate how many times my imagination has tried to convince me that I'm hearing the inbound ringtone in the back of my mind, even when it's outside of business hours! lol... I'm ashamed to admit that I've even heard it in my dreams. In MY DREAMS, ZenDesk! PLEASE, let us change it up, even if it was just a few alternate notification sounds, we could at the VERY LEAST, change it to hear something different for once.


Customers have been asking ZenDesk for this feature since ZenDesk Talk/Voice's 2016 inception. I think it's time ZenDesk delivers!


Please, please add additional ringtones. The jarring sound of this same ringtone resonates with me during my off hours.


+1 for this feature, we have agents asking for this on a monthly basis. 


A choice of ringtones, or just a  different one to the one i have been listening to for the last few years would be GREAT and very much appreciated! 


+1 for different ring tones, please! 


+1 for different ringtones please. The default one is not pleasant at all



I've been working with Zendesk for almost 5 years now and my whole team has been complaining about this for almost the same time. 

Same reasons: they hear that tone in their dreams..


Honestly, I have no hope that this will ever be updated since it has been over 5 years since this was posted... But just putting it out there that many of us are still waiting for this and would love to see this very simple feature (changing the ringtone) implemented.


Chat has different ringtones and volume settings.


implementing for Talk must be cake walk.


This is a tone we hear 20+ times a day, every single day. For the love of god please let us change the ring tone!! 


I have to have the volume on my computer super low when I am covering phones or the ring tone makes my heart stop 😂 Please implement the ability to change it! It seems mad you can personalise the Chat tone  (🦆for the win) but you can't for calls!


We've been begging for 5 YEARS 

P.S. 40+ per day for me!! I am entitled to compensation at this point LOL 

Just please something non-intrusive, a quiet beep. Something melodic. I don't know, get creative. 




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