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Copy / Duplicate Help Centre articles


Data ultimo post: 17 mar 2015

Please can you allow us to copy / duplicate a Help Centre article.

Currently the only way to do this is to create a new article, paste the source code across articles. Even this solution has its drawback as any attachments are lost in the process.  

This feature would also solve the issue of creating backups which we are also doing manually at present.





164 commenti

Thanks for the update, although this was promised to be in the roadmap 2 years ago so having to wait another 9 months is not really acceptable.  The current solution is not scalable for multi white-label brands


As a new structure working with KB, just want to bump this +1. Cloning is essential...


Agree, this is a very desirable feature! Having multi-brands with similar (to not say identical) solutions, and losing any image during copy/paste is a very manual labor. Another vote for this feature. 


Agree, that we need all of these features - copy, deeper hierarchy, section in a section etc. I hate seeing this was first requested in 2015 - yikes! but happy to hear there is a timeline.


When I receive "Announcement" emails from Zendesk about link colors and field labels being updated - and we have major critical features needed for KB like this since 2015 - does anyone get the sense that Zendesk's priorities and resources aren't being used appropriately?  It's a joke.  Knowledge Base is sorely lacking in so many places.

I would have switched solutions a long time ago but there's nothing else out there that I know of that's any better. They all suck and lack features.


I realize this isn't a super productive comment but I'm just getting a little tired of running into a basic need in ZD Guide and then finding a multi-page, years-old thread of users like me crying out for it and being told it's coming soon.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Darcy - 

Thanks for sharing your feedback. We understand the frustration, and realize that knowing something is coming is small consolation for having to wait for a long time to get it. 

Communication in the Product Feedback topics has been sub-par for a long time, and we're taking several steps to improve it, in the way we organize things in the community, the expectations we set for our users and the way that we take in, process, and implement feedback internally and then communicate it back out to our users. 

To appropriately set expectations, requests posted in the forums are by no means guaranteed to be built. Those with a high level of engagement (a lot of comments and votes) will typically get reviewed by a product manager, and then will be evaluated to see if it fits with the rest of the vision for the product and, if so, where in the next 12-18 months it might fit into the roadmap. Sometimes there's something we see a strong need for, but it doesn't fit with the other things in process, or there's something else we need to build first, so it gets delayed several dev cycles. Sometimes, it gets on the roadmap, and then pushed back off as something more business critical must be dealt with first. 

This is one of those cases; there were several other things that had to be created before this could be implemented in order for it to work. Ryan has posted about that and we've tried to be clear about the process, letting users know just a few months ago where things were at. 

Development for a major piece of functionality like this takes time. But we do hear you, we do appreciate your participation, and the team is doing everything they can to get these things out the door as soon as they can. 


This is definitely one of the most important features for companies with more than one brand. I am surprised to see this basic feature is missing on Zendesk. Hopefully, it will be launched soon or else managing the whole Guide system will become difficult.


Cloning would be awesome! Copy/paste the contents of an article works well enough but when you have a number of articles to do this for it is very time consuming. 


Yes, being able to duplicate articles would be very helpful. It would save recreating information.



I agree, it would be really helpful to duplicate categories/sections and articles to other brands. 

We are currently managing about 15 brands and it is quite boring and time consuming to copy/paste.

I'm really surprised that no one at Zendesk has already developed this basic functionality.




Just wanted to add another voice to the chorus.  Being able to clone articles one-by-one or in batches would both be really helpful.  Being able to copy entire pieces of the guide "architecture" would be even better.


Is this still planned for Q3?


Another vote for this feature, please.  I love the way Help Center works but have already found occasions where I need the same article in more than once section.  Being able to clone and then edit would be great.


My team and I were just discussing how great a clone function for help articles would be! Looking forward to this being added in the future, it will save us a lot of work!


Same here, I was surprised this functionnality doesn't yet exist in Zendesk. Having more than 100 brands, with half of the articles identical for each brand, being able to duplicate them would save me a lot of time. I'm using GDoc import but this is really time-consuming. And I didn't mention language variants, did I ?


Hi all,

we're currently working on a reusable content feature that will help with this scenario.

Users will be able to define reusable blocks, that can be managed centrally and placed in different articles.


@Bogdan this is great news. Do you have a timeline yet?


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi Rebecca -

No timeline we can share publicly at the moment, but it is in active development.


This would be really helpful to be able to copy/clone articles. I want to be able to follow the format from a previous article (headers, paragraphs, image sizing references in the source code, etc.) rather than having to enter content from an external source, then format to fit the styles and needs of our help center. It would be A LOT EASIER to copy/clone an article or even have a saved Template that I could choose from a menu to populate formatting for the majority of the article then allow me to solely focus on content.

For this reason, I don't care as much about reusable content, I care about templating and following format without having to reinvent the wheel or add an extra 30 minutes going back and forth between articles to see how formatting was done to ensure it's consistent (doing a revamp and addressing the ad hoc mentality we had prior to my arrival and other business changes, this generates a lot of time waste to update articles where a template would have done wonders and saved lots of time). 


Definitely interested in this. Very important for what we do in our Doakio technical documentation agency.


I'm really disappointed with this -  such a key function which is clearly needed ( and has been raised for 5 years!) We were told it was an active development 3 months ago and still no timeline or update?


Waiting for this as well and I am with Jeremy on this one: no need to reinvent the wheel.


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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hi all - I'm trying to get an update from the product team. Thanks for your patience. 


Hi Nicole - do you have an update on the time-frame for this. 


We're deploying Zendesk in coming weeks and its an opportune moment to lock this in for our scenario.




@... Any update...?


Seems asking for this is a waste of time, as it's been frequently asked for what appears to be 4+ years.

Maybe sharing why this isn't yet available would foster some understanding from us frustrated Administrators? ;)



Cloning articles would be helpful for a few reasons.

Also publishing articles across multiple brands would be great and not just at the point of creation.



@..., maybe they still haven't figured out how to charge customers extra for this feature? Would explain the delay on this and other rather simple workflow improvements.


@... any updates on this? I can't image a cloning button to be terribly hard to develop.....


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