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Assignee choicelist includes all users
Data ultimo post: 05 dic 2018
One issue I have with Explore is the fact when you use the Attribute of Assignee the list includes not only your Agents but also all the end users in your system. I have confirmed this with ZD Support:
At this time, unfortunately the Assignee attribute will display the list of all users from your account and this isn't already filtered for agent only in your account and you will need to create a calculated attribute to fix this issue at this time.
I don't know how you can assign a ticket to an end user or even light agent. Why should they been in the list?
This choice list should be filtered without the need for a calculated attribute field.
32 commenti
Brent Pliskow
+1 to this feedback. It's a major setback from GoodData in order to quickly pull reports on Agents only.
Celia Johnson
Also deeply need this. With any report on ticket touches, solves, by agent, it's much easier to exclude past agents so that when you add agents down the road, reports show them without you manually having to go in and add them in the selection every time. Because all users are being listed as assignee's, this is effectively impossible, and I'll have to manually edit every single assignee report the next time we add someone to the team.
Chris Bulin
This is getting ridiculous. Not only do you list all of the users with all agents, but if an agent has a name change (even though the name change is on the same user record) you have to include that person as if they are two people :(
Chris Bulin
Is anyone else running into a blank assignee showing up that isn't on the include or exclude list? There's no NULL value for me to exclude.
Andrei Kamarouski

P.S. I was suggested to use this workaround - calculated attribute.
The Salvation Army
I also need the ability to only choose agents when selecting by assignee. Users can not be assigned tickets so why they are even an option? Its very time consuming to scroll through 5000+ users to choose the 60 agents you want to include. I understand by Groups, however I have some agents in groups I want to exclude on some reports therefore I need to choose by assignee only.
Steven Hank
+1 on this. Having a list of all users in the Assignee filter might be useful to someone, but I can't really imagine how.
I would like to be able to create a dashboard that allows us to view certian metrics by agent all at once. Right now, we are A/B testing a new call flow, and I'm trying to see what effect it has on multiple metrics like custoemer satisfaction, upsells, retention, etc.
I'm able to build this pretty easily for individual queries, but having this in a dashboard filter would make it easy to look at multiple metrics at the same time instead of having to pull these up in different tabs or adjust the assignee on each individual query.
Giovanni Berthelot
Same here, I think it add complexity to the product and I don't understand the user flow where all the user would have to be listed as "Assignee".
Would it be possible to choose the default value of this?
Chris Bulin
This is literally causing me physical pain. I have 3 new agents that I have to add or exclude from a variety of queries. I have to type in each of their names separately for each query. I have around 150 queries that need to be updated, which means I'm spending most of my day today searching for the name and selecting it for each agent. On top of that, you have to be very careful not to backspace too many times when you are clicked into the filter search box, as it will then try to delete the whole query.
It would save me literal hours today to have a list of only our agents available to select from.
Terry Knox
It has blown my mind that this is a thing. I keep trying to move to Explore from GoodData, but then I hit stuff like this :(
Pete Holborow
Totally agree with Terry, I really want to move to Explore but I keep finding things that GoodData does better, or that Explore doesn't do at all (another example is the seemingly hard coded limit of 50,000 rows in a query that only exists in Explore).
The Salvation Army
I have quit even trying to use Explore until they get these things figured out. The other big issue I am having is you can not setup a query to be emailed. I use that every day in GoodData.
Pete Holborow
Katina that is also a very frustrating problem. I've worked around it by making agent groups with just the people I want to receive the query and scheduling a dashboard email to that group. It is far from ideal.
+1 I honestly can't fathom why the filter would even include End Users, or at least not have the ability to automatically filter them out.
Line Granseth
I just started exploring Explore and was up to this point convinced that I should stop using GoodData all together. But when I came a cross this, I would say, deal breaker, I am not sure if I have the time to manually add all my agents to the reports I am about to do. I have aprox 56000 end users in my lists, and can't even scroll to find my agents. I actually need to make a list of all my agents and then MANUALLY write their whole name to even find them. This is way too time consuming. Not at all optimal I am afraid.
I used a calculated attribute to create a data filter for my dashboard. It is not an ideal solution but it beats manually selecting all the names from a very long list of users.
It basically gives me a list of all the active agents. This excludes expired agents whose accounts were converted back to end-users or deleted.
The downside of this method is that you have to do it for every data set and the field names are different for each set. This particular example is from the ticket updates data set.
Maybe you can jump in here. The standard zendesk support report has a data filter for assignee, and returns only agents. How do you set up the same filter on other reports which returns only assignees / agents - and not all users. We have many end users in ZD - there is no way we can filter this out by just assignee.
Rob Stack
Hi @..., I'll make sure this gets surfaced to the product team straight away.
Eugene Orman
My apologies for the belated reply. The Explore team will be working on improving this area of the datasets. We intend to make it easier to select the right agent by displaying only current agents and end-users who previously were set as agents in the agent attributes. So, end-users will be filtered out from attributes like Assignee name, Call agent name and Chat agent name.
This update is currently planned for the second part of the year.
@..., for now, the easiest will be to follow Wido's suggestion and create a calculated attribute for this purpose. For example, for creating an agent only Assignee name attribute use this formula:
Here is a short demo:
Thank you and Wido for the workaround. I've added it in, but I need it more of a data filter that I can use on a dashboard as a filter to delve deeper into say another metric for solved tickets, and then filter by one or other agent. So whilst this is a great workaround for just the one report - will be great where you can add the filter assignee name which only returns active agents back.
I'll try work around this for now.
Chris Bulin
@... I used the Group option under Calculated Attributes to pull together a filter for dashboards that allows folks to select the custom group depending on the filtering need.
Maja Zivkovic
I've seen some clever workarounds for filtering out end users but i can't find a solution for finding tickets that do not have an assigned agent. Selecting NULL form Assignee Role gives no results, and the null values for Assignee Name don't give these results either.
How do i filter for these tickets here?
Brent Pliskow
@... Disclaimer: I haven't validated this in Explore, but...
Going on the assumption that to have an assignee, a ticket must also be assigned to a Group.
If you add Ticket Group to your filter or how you're grouping the results by columns/rows, does that give you what you need?
Eugene Orman

You don't need the Assignee role filter in your query. Once you add it the query is filtering out the unassigned tickets.
So, you simply need to remove the Assignee role filter. Here is an example from my test account:
Maja Zivkovic
Hi Brent Pliskow,
Thanks! I did find a round-about way of doing it. I created a custom attribrute that says
Then, to make the unassigned tickets show up i EXCLUDE FALSE.
I feel this may be the least elegant and hackey solution i've come up with Explore so far.
Eugene Orman your solution works well with a graph, but i wanted a table with the ticket ids.
Ian Riggins
Hi @...,
Is there still a plan to have end-users filtered out from Assignee name soon? Five months ago you noted it would be in place in the second half of the year, but I haven't seen an update. It's very difficult for me to duplicate my Insights reports in Explore without it.
Nicole Saunders
Hi Ian -
The product manager who can provide an update on this is on PTO this week, but we've got your question in his queue for next week when he's back. :)
@..., I feel your pain, but I've been able to essentially get this working by adding in a data filter called "Assignee Role" which you then pick as admin/agent and hide it in the background.
When you then add your data filter for "assignee" in your dashboard - you will only have admin/ agents and not all users.
Hope this helps a little
CJ Johnson
@... This has been marked planned for 2 years, can we get an update on when this rolling out?
+1 to this post. Seems strange how the original post was raised 4 years ago and the issue is still prevalent. Can we please get some traction on this.