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Dropped chat identification logic

Data ultimo post: 04 mag 2020



We've noticed that the logic of defining dropped chats isn't completely clear, below are 2 scenarios:

1) End-user starts chat - > Agents joins the chat -> before agent sends a message customer leaves -> dropped chat

2) End-user starts chat -> Agents joins and sends a message -> End-users replies to agents and leaves -> dropped chat.


In both scenario's Zendesk flags the chats as "dropped" which doesn't make sense in reporting. Dropped chats indicate that a chat is dropped before any interaction has taken place. However, in the current state even if an end-user and agent have a conversation and end it normally, the chat is considered "dropped" when the end-user sends the last message.


For reporting purposes this should change.


Best regards,



3 commenti


Do we have any updates on this?


Has ZD thought of this for reporting purposes? How to can things be differentiated 


Hi everyone, please upvote and/or leave comments with your use case in the following thread, which has an official comment from our product team. Thanks!

Request to Change Dropped Chats Logic


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