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Adding Attachments from Side Conversation to Ticket
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Data ultimo post: 08 dic 2020
We are looking for a way to easily transfer attachments from the side conversation back to the main ticket.
We have tried the drag and drop option but the attachment appears as a link, which the recipients may easily miss out. As such, our agents have to first save the file on their desktop before re-attaching.
Are there other options possibly in the pipeline to enhance this?

6 commenti
Adrian Bishop
I agree this is something which is needed, you can insert ticket comments into a side conversation, but when someone replies, you can't auto-insert back into the ticket. My agents complain a lot about this feature.
Permanently deleted user
+1 To this. No easy way to move attachments between ticket comments and side conversations. This is a large requested feature. Would be nice to have some way in the API to do this
Jason Kral
Adding to this conversation, as this would be very useful for our Organization but does not seem yet to be a feature.
Meike Kipphan
We need something like this too
Sarah Julean
It would be very necessary for us, as it's distrubing our workflow at the moment.
Chika Chima
Hi all thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us here. I want to acknowledge that this feature request has been open for some time without a PM reply and I apologize that is the case! Looking to clarify some questions on this post and share where Zendesk is with this feature request.
To the original post, Adding Attachments from Side Conversation to Tickets is not on our roadmap for 2024. We will continue to maintain our current attachment options as they stand now including those supported in the mobile app for support tickets.
While I understand that this may be disappointing to some, our intention here is to be transparent with our plans so that you can continue to remain aware of how Zendesk is moving forward in the near term.
At this time, we are going to close this post for comment as we have the information and use cases needed should we ever look into this again. Thank you again for being valuable customers at Zendesk.