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Jaclyn Ruby
Data ultimo post: 23 dic 2020
Sushant A
23 dic 2020
Hi @...
Currently, zendesk doesn't have subviews feature out of the box.
Please check the Apps marketplace for existing apps that allow you to organize views as a subview
Administration Account
09 feb 2021
I have described the View categorization (subviews, dropdown view) in detail and explained the benefits of it. Please visit my article (below) and vote for it if you think that it would be beneficial for you too!
2 commenti
Sushant A
Hi @...
Currently, zendesk doesn't have subviews feature out of the box.
Please check the Apps marketplace for existing apps that allow you to organize views as a subview
Administration Account
I have described the View categorization (subviews, dropdown view) in detail and explained the benefits of it.
Please visit my article (below) and vote for it if you think that it would be beneficial for you too!