Views limitation
Data ultimo post: 14 gen 2020
It would be amazing if we could override the 12 views limit in the sidebar, we can fit more there and it's a shame that we can't use that space when we need it.
Data ultimo post: 14 gen 2020
It would be amazing if we could override the 12 views limit in the sidebar, we can fit more there and it's a shame that we can't use that space when we need it.
137 commenti
Salvador Vazquez
Hello all,
Thank you all for continuing to provide great insights and feedback. We have been hard at work to make this increase happen and already working on the next phases to better organize your views. Starting the end of this week we will start to rollout changes that will allow you to see up to 30 shared views and 10 personal views on the side panel. Please refer to these announcements for more information. Looking forward to your feedback on the next phases as well.
Karen D Snyder
Yes, this limit should be configurable. There is room for more than 12 views. An agent came to me last week asking why he couldn't see a newly created shared view, and it was because of this limit. He had to coordinate with other agents in the groups that he belonged to in order to decide which views to deactivate so that he would be able to see the new view.
Agree, the 12 views limit does not make sense.
Could be worked around using nesting views that could be expanded:
"Sales" could have 5 sub views, that could be showed or hidden in one click for example
Nicole Saunders
Thank you for your feedback. While we do not have any new information to share at the moment, the product managers are following this conversation and taking your comments into account.
Darcy Bromling
i would also like this.
I am now using Lovely Views because the native system is way too limited...
Eric Goff
Chiming in to also express interest in this change! My organization is having a hard time shuffling our views, and we would greatly appreciate having more visible on this screen!
Traci Lamm
Chiming in here too. As a long time user (4 time implementing Zendesk) I still do not understand why this is limited. There is obvious space in the right side bar. And the fact that the recommendation is to use a 3rd party is silly. This is a basic Zendesk function and shouldn't need a 3rd party to solve it. Especially when those 3rd parties want to be paid for it and have outdated security protocols.
Come on Zendesk! I know you can handle this very much needed change.
Fernando Garcez
You said everything, Traci.
Sean McKeever
I agree with everything said here by the other users. I feel that views as a whole need a total revamp, but starting here would help solve a very annoying issue for new and existing users.
Annika Bouvin
I really don't get why Views should be limited. Suggesting a third party solution is just silly. What could possibly be such a problem about letting us choose how many Views we want to display? There are scroll bars if the window itself isn't big enough. Please Zendesk, solve this ASAP!
Eckhard Doll
This has been discussed many times before and I don't get it either. Fortunately, we only have to choose between some views and which to show but for other companies with more branches and different departments, this must be a real nightmare. It's annoying!
Yes, as an admin, I have to change my view daily. Do not understand why we are limited
Administration Account
Adding my support in here for this feature. Tom's community post perfectly summarises the need for this.
Amber Barnes
Yes please help us on this Zendesk. This is an increasingly frustrating issue and is limiting our ability to scale in an effective manner for agents. The third-party app that is recommend is not a cheap alternative either when this should be basic functionality. Really hope to see this happen in the near future!
Gregory Muir
This is never going to happen. It's been an open request for ten years and counting.
Nathan Purcell
Bumping for attention after being directed here from another thread by Nicole S.
As echoed by so many other people many times over: this is a very simple limitation to remove, please take steps to implement it!
Please raise the limit. 12 views doesn't make sense. Seems like a completely arbitrary number for something that shouldn't even have a limit.
Salvador Vazquez
Hi everyone,
First, I’d like to thank everyone who has provided feedback in this and other conversations throughout this community on Views. While I know sometimes there are lags in our ability to respond, we do read everything and find your comments informative and helpful. This is clearly an area of the product many people feel strongly about.
Views was originally built to be a quick and easy way to pull a list of tickets based on conditions, much like a saved search filter. When it was built, most agents didn’t work off of more than 5 views, so 20 was thought to be plenty. Obviously, as workflows have become more complex and businesses have grown, this hasn’t scaled well.
Clearly the limit of 12 views is something that has to change, and we can confirm that this is something we are working on. Before we can increase the number of views, however, there is significant backend complexity that needs to be dealt with. Once we are able to complete the required infrastructure work, then increasing views will become a relatively simple and quick UI fix.
We are in the process of updating the infrastructure and backend in order to have a more flexible Views platform that can cater to complex needs of our customers. This work is crucial and needed before we make the UI modifications but it is also complex and will take time.
Our ultimate goal is to provide easy access to more than 20 Views in the Views side panel, as well as adding categorization to help you organize your Views.
I know a lot of you have been waiting years to see this happen, and I want to be fully transparent - we still have a lot to do before we will be able to roll this out. I don’t expect this functionality to be completed for many months yet.
We will continue to provide updates as we are able. Thank you for your feedback, for your patience, and for being active members of the Zendesk Community.
Salvador Vazquez
Hi all,
I’ve provided some updates further down in the thread, you can see those here:
Fernando Garcez
Angelweb SAS
Clearly, it is essential to be able to display all the views. We are a multi-brand account, so we have a lot of views, and our team needs to see everything because we deal with all the brands. It doesn't make sense to be limited to 12 views.
Having to go through a paid third-party app for something this simple, when we have the most comprehensive Zendesk subscription, doesn't make sense either.
Drew Ivey
Adding my support for this request and looking forward to future updates. This would make my work flow smoother and more organized. Very excited for 'View Categorization'!
Jan Urban
That is great news. We are a company with support staff operating in 8 languages. This makes more than 12 views essential and we are very much looking forward to this.
Great that you work on this and really appreciate updating us Salvador Vazquez.
Any ETA for this?
Tim Marrin
Hi Salvadore,
Is there any rough ETA for when the expanded Views functionality will be available? We are very keen on this as it will greatly improve our workflow.
Vladimir Shkuratov
Hi Zendesk Team,
12 views it's clearly not enough for large teams and we use 3-rd party addons to compensate this limitation. Can someone please confirm when this going to be changed?
Chris Hobbs
This has been quite a frustrating limitation already dragging along for 4+ years, like with many other limitations in Zendesk, even when paying for an Enterprise Plan.
It would be really great to know if Zendesk customers will have to wait another 2-4 years just to get flexibility with Views that should be available out of the box.
Hope Product Management can actually influence the timeline and get something out soon!
@... We were wondering if there is an update on this issue, seeing as it has been six months. Understandably the changes will take some time, but is there any rough estimate? Like many others, our team needs to evaluate whether it is worth investing in a paid 3rd-party app to do this, or to wait it out until this change goes into effect should it be on the horizon.
Salvador Vazquez
Hello all, thank you again for your continued excitement for this work! Our team is currently running a proof of concept for how many additional Views we can support and how many counts we could include at the scale you all need. We are currently thinking through these options and figuring out the best solution.
I would love to hear more your needs. Particularly on your bare minimum of additional Views you need and why as well as bare minimum of Views with counts and why.