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Incorrect Satisfaction Ratings

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Data ultimo post: 12 nov 2019


A few weeks ago, we've seen an influx of "bad" ticket satisfaction ratings. After reviewing feedback with the end users, we discovered that they did not actually give any ratings, let alone "bad" ones. One end user even reported that she tried to rate the ticket as "good", but when she selected that option, nothing happened. After hitting "good" a few more times with no results, the user closed out the window. We then received a "bad" rating on that ticket. This is obviously affecting our agents scores and because of this, we've turned off the survey automation.

Zen support suggested that a link expander could be the issue, but nothing on our end has changed with our anti-virus checker (our end users are our internal employees, and use the same anti-virus as agents).  The suggestion from Zen support was to modify our survey automation to not include direct response links or creating our own satisfaction survey and use the Satisfaction Rating Endpoint.

It would be ideal if Zendesk could provide a fix for this instead of us editing our survey automation or creating a new satisfaction survey, especially since it all was working as expected prior to the end of October.  




13 commenti

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Andrew Soderberg

Community Moderator

We have had the same issue in about the same time period (beginning of Q4 till now). We also have checked with customers and have heard similar responses (customer did not respond to survey, or attempted providing good rating response). Prior to October during 2019 we have not had this issue.

In 2018 we did have this same issue happening (mostly from a number of our Chinese corporate customers). At that time Zendesk provided the same possible cause and soft response (suggesting we use a link to a page that contained the survey). Zendesk showed no interest in fixing the issue. As we are using the Zendesk provided CSAT survey, we too feel that Zendesk should rework the survey to provide a fix or provide an alternative way to resolve the issue, rather than suggesting we try to solve it ourselves.


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Dan Cooper

Community Moderator

+1 here.  I have a ticket in for bad satisfaction surveys that didn't quite make sense and our customers stated they didn't submit them.  Our feedback was that this was likely related to the details indicated in this post which cover link expanders and such.

What I had hoped to understand is if there were other identifiers that we could use to understand if the submission was human or not and I learned that the links are tokenized and once they are clicked, the requester is associated with the action.  At least with another level of context, I'd be able to dig in and see if there were any red flags to determine if a customer rating might be incorrect. 


We have also experienced this same thing.  We received an increase in Bad ratings in Q4. Upon checking, multiple customers stated they did not submit a Bad rating.  One customer stated they auto filter those emails into a separate email folder and that mail was still in an unread state.  Is Zendesk looking into this?  Once we miss the small window to have a customer change their response, there is no way to correct.  


We had the same issue,  Once we made the suggested change the issue has not reared its head again.  The lingering issue was the inability to go back and change/remove the bad ratings once the ticket moved to a Closed status.  We have to manually add a filter to the reports to ignore that list of tickets affected by this issue.


We're experiencing the same issue on our end. We're following up with each unsatisfied rating upon receiving them and have received the same response from a majority of our customers. They informed us that they're satisfied with our service and are confused on why it shows a bad rating when they did not submit a response.


+1 Please allow admins the ability to delete ticket satisfaction scores! Or delete the satisfactions scores when tickets are deleted.


+1 I'd love to see an option to remove ratings. I've followed up on several bad ratings that customers don't recall rating at all much less rating bad. If they don't go in and change their rating to good as intended, it really wrecks our rating monitoring and metrics. 


+1 I agree, please allow admins the ability to delete ticket satisfaction scores! Or delete the satisfactions scores when tickets are deleted. 


+1 The same here, out of the 15 bad ratings that we received over the past Quarter 3 of them were rated wrongly by mistake. This is a huge impact in our satisfaction score. And there could be more as not all customer are willing to respond or engage in our follow up calls. I believe this requires a quick fix as many companies uses their CSAT score as their number 1 performance indicator. Accuracy is of huge essence here!


Has anyone found a way to remove the ticket... Our company name is StreetLight Data - Big Data in Transportation.. we have an angry resident complaining about the actual street light in their neighborhood.. when explained that it isn't what we do and he needs to reach out to county or local govt, he gave us a bad rating... :/ I have not had a single bad satisfaction in last 2 years, this is the first and is completely unrelated to our company and not even from our customer. 


Hi Angela Rea - that's a real bummer! You can delete a ticket by clicking the menu in the upper right and selecting delete.  I'm not sure how that affects reporting in Explore.

I can make one suggestion that doesn't involve deleting the ticket. I added a condition to our request customer satisfaction rating automation.  It looks for the tag "nosurvey" and if it's in the ticket, a survey will not be sent.  I've instructed my team to add that tag to tickets where people contact us about things totally unrelated to our business.  That way, they get "credit" for answering the ticket, but it cannot be rated "bad" by the non-customer.

It does require agents to remember, and you also have to have trust that they'll use it in the right situations.  I have also created a macro to use for particular types of mistaken contact that are common, and that macro adds the "nosurvey" tag automatically.


Was there every any resolution for this? We've followed up with several (unlikely) negative reviews in the last two weeks and not one of them said they left any feedback. 


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Tetiana Gron

Zendesk Product Manager

Hey everyone, thank you for taking the time to provide us with this feedback. I apologize for the delay on our end in providing you with a response to your feature request.

We've recently introduced an invisible CAPTCHA for all customer satisfaction requests. We are also running a CSAT Early Access Program (EAP) dedicated to the redesign of the CSAT experience. See Announcing Customizable CSAT Configuration EAP.

We appreciate your feedback and thank you for being valuable Zendesk Community members.


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