Restricting tickets visibility to Brand
Data ultimo post: 17 ott 2018
The solution presented in Multibrand: Restricting agents to specific brands (Enterprise), as commented by Mjaman, 'falls short of what we really need,' and mostly because brands are attributed to tickets, instead of agents.
The challenge here is visibility: if I don't want agents who work in Brand A to see Brand B's tickets (regardless of Group and/or Organization), there's no way I can set it up.
Brand visibility settings would need to be present in both Users and Roles: users could belong to one more brands, and their role would allow us to set ticket visibility based on brands.
- User belongs to Brand 1. Role would allow user to access all tickets within their brands (in this case, Brand 1).
- User belongs to Brand 1, 2, 3. Role would allow user to access all tickets within their brands (in this case, Brands 1, 2, and 3).
- User belongs to Brand 1, 2, 3. Role would allow user to access all tickets within their organizations (e.g. an organization with customers from those three brands, which included the agent, they'd be able to see only their).
This would probably mean more versatile permissions within a Role... In other words, why a single choice (drop-down) option, instead of multi-select?
For example:
- Role 1. Agents have access to all tickets within their Brand(s).
- Role 2. Agents have access to all tickets within their Brand(s) and their Group(s).
- Role 3. Agents have access to all tickets within their Brand(s) and their Organization(s).
- Role 4. Agents have access to all tickets within their Group(s) and Organization(s).
Thanks in advance for any input/feedback!
62 commenti
Christian Estefani
Hello! I have a few more suggestions on how we can make Zendesk a more brand-focused experience for our agents.
- Which brand is immediately shown when opening the ticket creation page
- Which form is immediately shown
- Which Help Center loads from the Guide shortcut
(One brand each, or maybe more, like with Zendesk forms?)
- Access to tickets
- Access to suspended emails (can only see suspended emails to addresses associated with their brand)
- Views
- Macros
Basically, I hate that the Zendesk Agent Workspace defaults to the main brand, and agents from other brands have to manually change their brand and form when creating tickets.
I also hate that ticket viewing permissions are so inefficient and suspended email viewing permissions are practically unavailable for them.
+1 for me on this. We need brands to be almost completely separate when it comes to agent access. Right now that is not possible. Agent A can see all brands, so we have to special groups and try to hide things and it's really clunky.
TradeSmith Support
+1 - Following this thread. We could use this feature as well.
This most likely won't move anywhere anytime soon. We've been on ZD enterprise for almost 10 years and this was never considered.
+1 this is a must have have feature when you are offering Multi Brand setup!!!
Alina Wright
Hi everyone, have some good news for you. This is something we're planning on starting on this year. If you have a strong opinion on how you'd like to see this function, keep an eye out on this post for a calendly link to help us test some prototypes. Thanks!
Kym Valenzuela
Is there a timeline for this and will it only be available on Enterprise or will it be available on other options such as professionals?
Jamie Noell
Yes, please!!!
Macro and view: Can you please allow view and macro permissions to be by brand. Today, we have global, by agent and for me only. Please add brand as an option as we have to pick so many groups when granting macro and view access.
Suspended tickets: Please restrict by brand as well. Data privacy is key to our company, and we have non-admins who help manage suspended tickets for their respective brands. Zendesk's suspended view does not even have the recipient. We did buy Shredder, which helps with rules and shows the recipient email, so each division sorts by the recipient email. However, ideally, we don't want Brand A people to even see suspended emails for Brand B, C or D.
Explore: Ideally, we could grant by brand permission on datasets in Explore.
Alina Wright
Hi all, following up with a calendly link to schedule user interviews around this brand based permissions space.
If you're part of an enterprise (and up) plan and are an admin / have strong opinions on brand based permissions, please use this link to schedule time with me in the next 2 weeks. Thank yoU!
Alina Wright is this something that is only going to be available for Enterprise plans and up? I believe it should be available for all plans as a basic feature, especially if you are offering multi-brand for other plans lowers than Enterprise. Maybe not have as many features or options but at least have brand restrictions.
Alina Wright
At this time, this will be an enterprise only feature. We will take your feedback into consideration for planning in the future. Thank you for your input!
Caroline Kello
Hello everyone!
We appreciate your feedback on this topic and would love to hear more directly from you live. Please join us on July 27 at 11AM CDT for our PM Roundtable on Permissions and Audit log. It’ll be an open discussion on what is and isn’t working for you on this focus area of Zendesk. We'd also like feedback on the challenges you have around brands. So please bring those questions, concerns and feedback because we want to hear from you! The link to register can be found here, we’d love to see you all there.
Best regards, Caroline and Alina
Elena Ara
+1 for macros to be restricted by brand, not only by group.
May we please know what is the current status of this functionality?
Alina Wright
Quick update for you all. Brand Based Ticket Access is underway with a hopeful EAP in the early half of 2024. The first release will focus only on ticket partitioning by brand with follow on releases focusing on end user profiles, business rules, and more.
Amie Brennan
hey Alina Wright
This is amazing news, really looking forward to being able to get granular with ticket access across the account! As a Zendesk partner, I'd love to be able to partake in the EAP when it becomes available next year. I've got some great use cases. :)
Shawna James
Thank you so much for providing feedback on this area! We want to note that this feedback has been logged. In case you missed it, we wanted to make sure you saw the recording and event follow up from our most recent PM Roundtable on this subject matter. Please find the recording and follow up article from the event. Thank you again for your feedback!
Hi, what's the ETA on this? This was supposed to be planned on 2023 but the year is almost over.
And when restricting agents to brands, I suggest for them to not have access to each other talk lines. I currently have 8 agents on a line and 3 on another and they can use one line or another but it's not a good way to do.
Max McCal
Hey, Bellavance,François
This feature will be available in January as an early access program. We will definitely make an update here once it is live with instructions on how to get access.
Thanks a lot, you made my day and the one for my team.
Sydney Neubauer
+1 for restricting numbers by Brand - it makes no sense that any agent can use any number for outbound calling when they won't have access to the ticket once call connects as they aren't in the group. 1 Brand has 12 numbers, another has 1, and another have 500+. It is very easy to select the wrong one
Here is a feedback post I made for additional features to restrict by Brand: Features to Restrict by Brand – Zendesk help
Amie Brennan
hey Alina Wright
The EAP sign-up link is asking for access - not showing a sign-up form. Could we get this resolved asap please. :)
Pedro Rodrigues
Hi Amie Brennan, the doc isn't publicly available due to the "prefill" part in the URL, please use this link instead:
(cc Alina Wright)
Brett Bowser
Amie I updated the link that Alina provided so it should now take you to the correct form.
I hope this helps!
Alina Wright
Sorry all! Google forms are my arch nemesis.
Relinking here:
Elena Ara
Upvoting this great improvement!
Can you please confirm if access to macros will be based on the Brand as well?
Thank you.
Alina Wright
Elena - the first phase of the EAP will only focus on Tickets. The next is end users, then we'll move onto triggers, macros, SLA's, etc.
Ian Marston
Alina Wright
We have hundreds of macros, and would dearly like the macros by brand development ASAP
Could we please be included on the EAP when that is built?
Alina Wright
We'll have a new sign up form for the EAP for business rules and when that time comes, I'll update this thread.
Divya Narula
Can you please confirm if this option will also be available for the 'Legacy Support Enterprise' version.