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Add 'Remove cc' trigger/automation action

Data ultimo post: 13 feb 2012

Dear Zendesk

It would be great to have a bit more control over 'cc' functionality via triggers.  In addition to being able to specify end users as cc on tickets via triggers (https://support.zendesk.com/entries/71421-add-cc-as-trigger-automation-action), please could you add a new trigger action 'remove cc'?

(Business case: allow the agent to send a one-off notification to another user, allowing them to add a on-time private comment to the ticket, but not copy them in on all future correspondence on a ticket.  In the interests of streamlining agent workflow as much as possible, I'd like to automate this process.)




187 commenti

Bumping.  We really need to be able to implement a solution to auto remove specific CC's from tickets.  Our use case is that our New Hire process sends in a ticket for the new hire and there is a distro CC'd by the software that we would like to not have to manually remove every time.  Looks like this has been a long outstanding request and there hasn't been an update in many months.


+1 this would be very helpful. 


Our use case would be similar to a one time comment, as we often need input from co-workers or other departments, while at the same time they don't need to be CC'd on everything else (they're usually not involved and don't care beyond that point). Manually removing the CC after requested help has been given is not user-friendly and is tiresome.




+ 1 here - Customers often add our team's DL email to cc (usually in an attempt to get a faster response 😊), so we want to remove this automatically on any ticket, otherwise the whole team keeps getting emailed updates.


+ another one.

This is one of the more widely asked for features I have seen in the community. Is there any development on this? I can see there was quite a lot of active discussion from Zendesk 2 years ago but not so much recently.

Did anything come of an EAP?

The Trigger/API method works for me at the moment, but ideally I would like to remove individual collaborators.

i.e. if email exists in collaborator list, then remove from the string






This will avoid us so many problems and doubled up communications!


+1 If we cannot have a remove trigger then allow us to have the ability to remove a specific collaborator. With tha functionality we can work around this.



Can we get an official Zendesk response on this?


8 years and still nothing? Not even a button to remove all ccs?


Hi, yes I agree. Maybe a rule to get rid of all cc apart for the assignee or whoever specifically is on that ticket. It is rather distracting to have to see all these emails from my team and vice versa.   


I know this was requested 9 years ago, but I could still use it. Any chance a 'clear all cc' action will be added?


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Andrew J

Community Moderator

Clear all CCs is easy to do with a trigger or automation paired with an http target. This is technically unsupported, but it works fine. You do need to ensure this does not overlap with other triggers or automations.




+1 more... 


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Andrew J

Community Moderator

@sara @rom
What specifically are you looking for?



The same thing we've all been looking for for YEARS!  What this entire thread is about.


I need to be able to clear specific CC's from tickets. We have customers who will CC employees from my organization who are no longer customer facing or who will CC our company distribution lists that they guess or happen to know in order to try to ping the most people. It is time consuming to make sure the users that should never be CC'd be removed individually from each ticket and often various users on our team forget to remove them, causing communication issues in our company. 

This is why we cannot use the clear all CC's workaround provided. We need to be able to remove specific CC's automatically.


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Andrew J

Community Moderator

@isaiah, this entire thread covers many requests. From a button to manually remove all CCs, to triggers to remove all, and triggers to remove single CCs only. Probably more specific points too. I'm some cases we can at least offer advice on how to address some of the issues.


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Andrew J

Community Moderator

@sara, we don't have DLs so I have not tested this.. would you try adding the DL to the support email list (or even the blacklist?). Adding to the support email list prevents it being added as a CC. Of course this will not prevent the first email going to everyone and creating possible havoc! But that part is not a Zendesk issue right? There may be rules you can add to your DL that will filter out support tickets added later, but be cautious about if this is ever genuinely desirable.


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Andrew J

Community Moderator

We'd like to look at an app for this functionality.
Anyone can email me if interested, preferably with their wishlist on features/function and a little detail on their Zendesk environment. Email is in my profile. Please do not ask, or give details in the forum.


That solution doesn't work. One of the email lists is our mail Zendesk Guide email that needs to NOT be blacklisted. This IS a Zendesk Issue because Zendesk hasn't given us a way to handle CC's that we literally cannot control a customer adding without remove ALL of their CC's, including their own, valid CC's.

The fact that there is no solution to this issue after obviously years of pain points for multiple customers (based on the comments) ignores an obvious need in the product that is literally a product issue because we cannot control what external customers add to the CC field.


The ask is to create a "Remove CC" trigger action.  Why is that such a difficult request?  If you can have an "Add CC" trigger, why not be able to remove specific CC's via trigger?


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Andrew J

Community Moderator

Hey Sara, what I said about not being a Zendesk issue was in relation to the first email someone adds to a DL. Possibly I do not understand how this is happening for you, but if a person adds a CC to an email in their email client or webmail, this goes to your mail server for distribution right? This is not able to be filtered by Zendesk.
Can you consider adding the DL to support emails, preventing CCs?
Sorry I cannot speak to all the issues, it is one I am interested in, but I am a Zendesk user like yourself.
There may be way to handle some of these issues in Zendesk.
Handling issues outside of Zendesk (ie. In a sender's mail client) is customer education, and something that would be encountered no matter how this is handled. That said, I'm sure it's possible to improve control of this once it hits Zendesk.


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Andrew J

Community Moderator

@isaiah, I don't know why this is difficult sorry


OMG 8 years and still not resolved.

This one guy that logs calls , CC's Zendesk , and me as well , now i keep getting the updates on his calls logged. It doesn't even have anything to do with me.


8 Years zendesk , please.


+1 to this!  Our use case is when a certain macro is applied, we want to automatically remove everyone in the CC list.  I am also looking at triggers or automations that would do the same either on macro application, or if the case is received from a certain user.  But none of those apply either.



Your solution doesn't work. Even as you said, that doesn't prevent it from causing havoc. The functionality as its been requested from multiple users and companies is what's needed to properly resolve this.


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Andrew J

Community Moderator

My solution was just a suggestion to remove all CC's. Excepting changes to Zendesks targets, it works. I suspect a smarter brain than me could do better.
The other suggestion was to build an app for this, noone has contacted me about this.
The havoc I referred to was relating to DLs which are handled by mail servers -how the heck can Zendesk change a mail server behavior?


I cannot remove all CC's. That was in my original comment 6 months ago. I need to remove specific CC's and leave other ones that are intentionally on the ticket, on there.

From my earlier comment: "This IS a Zendesk Issue because Zendesk hasn't given us a way to handle CC's that we literally cannot control a customer adding without remove ALL of their CC's, including their own, valid CC's."


Hi all, thanks for sharing your feedback. I appreciate you highlighting this gap in the current product functionality. Whilst it's not something we're implementing at this moment in time, it's on our radar as a potential improvement as we're rethinking triggers and automations in the coming year. Thanks again for sharing - it's always helpful to understand what's top of mind for customers as we develop our roadmaps.


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