Add end-user as CC via Trigger or Automation

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Data ultimo post: 22 ott 2009

Desired functionality: a way to automatically add a CC to tickets that match a certain condition.

Example: Trigger if Organization is "Acme Co" and Priority is more than Normal, then "Add CC" - specifying an end-user email address.  This would allow the organization's primary contact stay in the loop about what their employees have requested.

Workaround: use a notify target "email" type to send emails to the person who needs to be CC'd.



518 commenti

Jake, thanks - that should do the trick nicely. I think it's even better than what I asked for!

Is this documented anywhere? A mention at would be helpful.

We currently don't have any sharing options for organisations or people, they vanished about a month ago after we imported from csv. Coincidence? It wasn't a priority then and I clean forgot about it, so I'll log a call to get that sorted.


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Most Engaged Member of All Time - 2021

@Jake - You may want to mention this is not available yet for the new Help Center.  There is not such thing as of yet called "Organization Requests" in the new Help Center.  Just a note as Adam may be on Help Center as I thought he mentioned they just went live on another thread.


Thanks Wes, good spot! We are indeed Help Center users.

Is there an ETA on when we might have this, or similar, functionality?


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Most Engaged Member of All Time - 2021

@Adman - Sorry but the standard response from Zendesk is that this feature is planned but no ETA at this time. 





Is there a timeline for this "planned" feature?



This feature would be great to have, and soon.  I have customers that are requesting specific individuals be cc'd on tickets and right now I don't have a way to do that automatically.  I have to hope my agents remember to manually add the cc.


Hi Chris,

In the meanwhile, if you work with the same customers all the time, you can teach them that by replying to the received email and adding more people, they will automatically be added to CC.

That's my current workaround for this missing feature...


+1 on this request.

My use case:

For an Organization, we need to be able to nominate an "account owner" to be automatically CC'd on every ticket linked to that organization upon creation.

This has many benefits.

  1. It prevents phishing from people not authorized to contact us from our customers domain, as someone on their company will be made aware of these requests.
  2. We have a matter-o-fact contact person to reach out for surveys and notifications.
  3. This person becomes their company champion and our evangelist.

We would only need to be able to choose from users linked to that organisation.

Agents or the CC'd user would be able to remove them as a CC on a per-ticket basis.


Please add the shared organisation feature to the new Help Center. Our customers require this feature. We have biweekly status meetings with premium customers and they need the overview.

Also separate SLA's per organisation.



Some customers want to add their colleagues as CC during creating of a ticket for their organizations


Yeah this is pretty critical as enterprise level customers want to be have their team auto-cc'd so that they can be alerted when new requests are filed by any member.


+1 for this. could this not be used in the same way as you suggest other discussions topics? You start typing the name, email or organisation and it list all the relevant users with either than name, that email or from that organisation?


Would this improvement mean that the CC (as ticket field) will be added as a condition too?

So that we can create triggers/ automations/ views based on who is CCd on the ticket?

If not so - please add it to this update, or if that should be re



Any update on this guys?

Like most everyone else, we've been waiting for quite a while on the ability to CC end-users by trigger. Our use case being essentially identical to that of the OP. Setting up an email target to the intended customer end-user is simply not a valid method in my opinion. The extra headache of handling it defeats all advantage.  




This would be a useful feature for us, notifying nominated (non-Agent) people when a certain Macro is used.


Yes please! Please notify asap when this feature is available!


+1 for this - would be very useful in the teamwork of our customers!


+1 I've been looking for this!

Is there any ETA yet?


When is this going to be implemented? It has been on "planned" status for a very long time!



As per most of the previous comments, we have a key contact in each organisation that we would like to see each and every update to their org's tickets.

This feature request is nearly 5 years old now - is any movement on getting it rolled out?




+1 Really need a way to auto CC team members on new tickets! 


I escalated this (again) through my Zendesk account manager last week because this reached a critical point for me.  I strongly suggest that anyone interested this track down your account manager and apply some pressure.





Yup, agree with the 1st comment. Same scenario here. Stakeholders need to be kept informed.


Maybe it would be easier to set up automatic CCs if the option was in the organization area. Kinda like "every user has access to org's tickets" ANd add "every user gets notified of ticket updates by email". This would help us lots!



Almost 5 years we are waiting to simple feature. Now, I am offering Zendesk deployment of this feature pro bono. Anybody? Why it's so difficult to implement something so simple in organization that have developers, project managers, all resources and millions of $$$? You are creating software for customer support and you don't listen your customers...




We would really like to see this to.  We use Zendesk to field requests from our own clients, many of whom have project owners that would like to be included on every communication from their co-workers.  The ability to create an organization and have particular users auto CC'd would really help both us and our own clients by ensuring that the right people are aware of all communications.

NOT having this ability has led to duplication of work, and prevented the ability for a person with vital information to become aware and chime in.


This would be helpful for us as well.


Good morning

We too would appreciate the functionality to configure an automation to add the 'end user' to the CC field should they differ to the requester. This is required as our customers have multiple engineers working on issues and will not receive email notifications should our support team respond to their updates.

Can ZenDesk provide an ETA as this seems to have been requested by numerous people over a long period of time on this thread?




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