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Ticket export tool for End-users (Export tickets by organization)

Data ultimo post: 04 lug 2013

Request: provide a tool for end-users so they can 'export' all their tickets, or their organization's tickets. Especially useful for end-users that are part of a large/active organization.

We would like an option via the UI, where they would be able to select and export to a CSV file on demand. This might include the latest status of an open ticket, the ticket ID, description and and the last update made.



108 commenti

In 7 years Zendesk is not able to provide simple export to CSV option in customer portal. Just mind blowing. This shows total lack of support from Zendesk to paying customers who requested this several years ago.


Does Zendesk actually listen and action any of these requests, other than posting platitudes? 

We have been on Zendesk for 18 months now and so many requests we have put forward are against existing posts that are many years old with lots of supporting posts from other users. This is another one to add to our list of requests. Zednesk already does it in the Agent view!

The Customer Portal is lacking in several areas - in searching / filtering, especially when you have many tickets in the list. It certainly hasn't improved in the last 18 months.


Our Company will greatly benefit from this, as our top clients are requesting a way to export the "My Activities" list. This way they can also see the statuses for their tickets as well in excel format.


Thank you!


My clients are desperately requesting this feature as well. The tool is very limited for an end user. 


Hi Zendesk Team!

We also experience the same problem and our customers need this feature in their Help Center profiles.


Hi Zendesk Team

Nowadays we see the export option is getting more critical and lots of our customer are asking for it.

It will be good if zendesk team look at it and have this option enabled.

Looking for your reply



Any updates to this?


Our bigger customers and business partners have requested this feature.

  • What is the problem?
    End users have no opportunity to export a list of their requests.
  • Why is it a problem?
    Some of our end users have a huge amount of requests. Especially these customers have the requirement to process the tickets for billing or reporting issues. At least an export to csv would be very helpful.
  • How do you solve the problem today?
    Currently the customer will get a list on demand, that is exported manually by an agent out of an explore dashboard.
  • How would you ideally solve the problem?
    There should be an export button on the 'My Requests' page. This should work for all tabs (my requests, requests I'm CC on, organisational) and it should recognize current filtering (including search). At least an export to csv is needed. The export should contain all ticket fields that are visible for end useres.
  • How big is the problem (business impact, frequency of impact, who is impacted)
    For our business partners this issue is a major issue, although we have chosen to provide the lists manually. This causes unnecessary efforts in our support teams and creates a dependency between customer's workflows and our teams with the risk to gain dissatisfaction.


Hi Holly, no updates at present.
Thanks Michael for your additional use case information!


We really want this function as well!!!!


Most of the customer are asking this option available and can this be looked upon with high priority.All the other tools have this functionality.


Any updates on this request, not being able to do this is very limiting for providing Org specific to internal and external stakeholders. 


We need this feature as well. Currently, there's not a way to run a report or create a view on all (open, check, solved, closed, archived, pending, on-hold, etc.) tickets by organization that can also be exported.


Hi @...


do you have any update on this topic?

This enhancement is quite mandatory for all our customers and this is a regression from our previous tool which was really not the  best :-)





Looking for an update as well - we spend a lot of time generating and sending ticket reports to customers that they should be able to self service through the portal



Hello, this is also a requirement for us. Haven't seen any recent updates on this, can anyone tell me if it has been solved?


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Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all, we are very much aware of this issue and are currently running a Beta to improve the request list experience where we intend to add the ability to export tickets, though I can't currently provide an ETA.

Meanwhile, the improved view customization, filtering and sorting capabilities we have already released in the Beta, including the ability to see custom fields, may solve part of the limitations you experience. See the article linked above and:

I'll update this post when there is news and I would also recommend following our announcements and the article linked above.


Hold off on enabling it.   We turned it on two weeks ago and announced it to our customers only to find a recent Zendesk broke the Filter and the Status icons no longer show up


I am really surprised this feature has not been added by now.   I have spent countless hours searching marketplace and other threads.   We have customers who generate over 200 cases a year, and would like to be able to report off of the data we expose.    In addition, there should be a way to set the value of number of rows returned through the requests page - clicking next, next, next for the customers is not a great experience.   


I need to get a list of all tickets within the last year for one of my clients.

Seems I can only pull a list of tickets for half a year at best.

I need to go through these tickets and identify which ones were due to bugs in code/configuration issues/security concerns etc.  I cant do that if i dont have a list of all the tickets

Why is this feature still not available?  This has been requested since 2013.

I can pull how many tickets per client organization by year but i cant get the individual ticket numbers.


Carla Mitchell are you trying to do this through explorer of through the customer community.  The reason I ask is this thread is for customers (end users) to be able to generate their own reports.  If you are using exporer you can do this by using the metric count (tickets), a filter containing the organization name and the details you want on the rows.   I am on the professional version and it brings back all the data I need.  Hope this helps


Thanks John - Im trying to use Explorer  and although powerful, is not intuitive.

I think I found a way to get what i need 


I only want a certain group.  It would be great to have like a database where you can select certain ticket fields to export out and can filter by those.  Similar to what Insights does but just the raw data and include the description!


alexrixs have you tried the enhanced list views?  This will allow customer to select what fields they have access to seeing - it would be great if the export exported just that view




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Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi all

While I know this is not exactly the feature requested here, I thought it would still be interesting for followers of this post to know that we are making progress on a new request list experience.

We are very excited to announce today that users can now (pending rollout) filter their requests based on custom field values in the new request list experience. See the announcement here for all the details.

Ticket export is also in the plans.


Good to hear that an end user ticket export is in the works, it is one of the most requested features from the companies we support.  We are also looking forward to the end users will be able to sort tickets in their view.


Time and time again our customers ask how to export lists of their tickets and we have to give them the answer that Zendesk is a limited-feature tool and does not provide this somewhat fundamental function.

Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen Are you able to provide any idea when this might be available please?




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Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen

Zendesk Product Manager

Martin Cubitt Unfortunately I can not give you an ETA at this point. 

  • What is the data that your customers would need to the be included in the ticket export?
  • Which file format would your customers prefer?



My customers have asked specifically to be able to export a .pdf of a ticket with the title, description, all public comments and current status. Being able to export multiple tickets at a time would be a bonus. Something like export all my tickets, my organization tickets or tickets I'm CC'ed on with an optional date range or status selection.


Gorka Cardona-Lauridsen

Thanks for your response.

They're just after a listing of their tickets, ideally in Excel format, based on any filtering at the time they click Export from the My Requests view (and whether it is My requests, Requests I'm CC'ed on or Organisation requests).

It would be nice to include the following (capturing too much means they can always remove from the extracted file):

  • Ticket Form
  • Priority
  • Ticket ID
  • Subject
  • Requester
  • Date/time Created
  • Date/time of Last activity 
  • List of CCs
  • Assignee
  • Status
  • Date/time solved
  • CSAT score







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