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Organization and end-users mandatory
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Data ultimo post: 26 gen 2017
We have a few tickets in our Zendesk without an organization or end-users (see below)
I would like, for every tickets created, to force the agent to create / choose an end-user but also an organization.
Do you think it's possible to find a way to do that ?
5 commenti
Bradley Ladwig
Hi Jérémie! There currently is no feature available that would require agents to add an organization to the requester of a ticket. You could create a checkbox ticket field "Organization added?" so the agent would have to check that field in order to solve the ticket. This would at least serve as a good reminder for the agent. I hope this helps!
Mindaugas Verkys
Hey Jeremy,
You can add simple trigger to reopen the ticket if organization is -.
Jessie Schutz
Thanks, MIndaugas!
Adriana Toyber
I see this is an old post and we still have the same issue, something easy like being able to search on the people settings for end-users without organization will at least help the maintenance task.
Have downloaded multiple apps from the marketplace just to see if any has something like this, but still no luck. Any thoughts?
Ingrid R.
@Jérémie - the example you shared is from a phone call received without previous identification. It's normal to have these type of tickets.
To prevent it from happening often, make sure to ask your Agents to add the phone number on the contact box in the end-user profile, like explained in here: Adding and managing end users
Unfortunately, at this moment, there isn't a native way to force your Agents to populate those fields, such as the Requester and the Organisation fields. I'd definitely suggest that you publish a post on our Community, describing your suggestion and your use case for our Product Managers to review: Feedback - Ticketing System (Support)
They see all the posts there and take customer suggestions into consideration as they work to improve Zendesk. Thank you in advance for your understanding!
@Adriana - you can potentially create a View from those tickets coming without organisation, and manage them all from there. You may know what conditions to use based on your business needs here: Creating views to manage ticket workflow
Hope to have clarified your questions!