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Funky up your search box!
Data ultimo post: 08 mag 2015
It's Funky Friday, so here's a little something to make your search box fun:
Changing search box color
- Go to your Help Center > Customize Design
- Access your CSS files
- Do a search for /* Search box */
- Find the following element:
.search-box input, .sub-nav .search input {
To change the background color, simply add background: #HEX;
.search-box input, .sub-nav .search input {
line-height: 1.2em;
font-weight: lighter;
padding: .75em 2.7em;
width: 100%;
background: #FF0066;
-webkit-appearance: none;
Changing the color of the search icon
The fun doesn't stop there! You can also change the color of the magnifying glass.
- Look for the following:
.search-box:before, .sub-nav .search:before {
- Now add some color: #HEX to it:
.search-box:before, .sub-nav .search:before {
color: #fff;
Thanks to Carlos to added the following code to change the text color
Based on another document by Moderator Wes, you can change your placeholder text.
$('#query').attr('placeholder','Search our Forums');
You can then use after the above, the following CSS
::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: #000000;
26 commenti
Support Agent
How can I change the colour around the search bar as seen here support.zendesk.com?
Andrea Saez
Hey Roumen,
That is part of the standard template they're using. You should be able to locate it with <section class="hero-unit"> and adding the correct color background to it
Which Search element are you using? I have no magnifying glass...and need one :-) Thanks.
Mary Houston
How to you place your search box in the center of the page?
Hello All,
I am completely new to coding and based off examples from other members, trial and error, help from co workers to help me understand what I'm doing, i can create a custom page with images, size and color. Last couple days have been fun seeing my work display on the web page.
I thought I mentioned this for us newbies, I had no success with changing the color in * Search box */ section it was in the /* Search */ section that my co worker was able to figure out how to change the search box color. I don't understand why this is but like i said I'm 2 days new with coding. One thing that I'm trying to do is I change the search box to be a light gray but through all my trial and errors I cant find were to change the color font of the actual "Search" within the box.
Thanks in advance
I found it.
searching through all the supports I came across a line of code on how to change the "Search" into "Search our Forums" $('#query').attr('placeholder','Search our Forums');
it occurred to me, oh let me look in the CSS and do a search for placeholder and added the color: #000000 as below,
::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: #000000;
the font changed to black.
Andrea Saez
That's great, thanks Carlos! I'll add it to the original post above.
Sorry I wasn't around to answer your question yesterday, I'm in the UK !
Rob Levin
There are several pages that come up regarding this search-box customization and I really felt that the information does not address that if you jquery in the customized placeholder text on document ready, there's a flash of the default 'Search'. My solution was to hide it initially and add a 'loaded class then unhide it. There's a bunch of extra CSS in there but you should be able to get the general approach (and no longer have a flash of unwanted text!):
/* Hide initially */
input::-webkit-input-placeholder { color:transparent; }
input::-moz-placeholder { color:transparent; }
input::-moz-placeholder { color:transparent; }
input::-ms-input-placeholder { color:transparent; }
/* when we've added the .loaded class we kick in the opaque placeholder */
input.loaded::-webkit-input-placeholder {
color: $color_3;
opacity: .5;
transition: opacity 0.35s ease;
input.loaded::-moz-placeholder {
color: $color_3;
opacity: .5;
transition: opacity 0.35s ease;
input.loaded::-moz-placeholder {
color: $color_3;
opacity: .5;
transition: opacity 0.35s ease;
input.loaded::-ms-input-placeholder { color:transparent; }
input:focus::-webkit-input-placeholder {
opacity: 1;
input:focus:-ms-input-placeholder {
color: 1;
input:focus::-moz-placeholder {
opacity: 1;
Here's my javscript (within document ready as stated above already):
$('#query').attr('placeholder',"Have a question? Search our knowledge base the answer…").attr('autocomplete', 'off');
//Signify that we can unhide the placeholder
Jessie Schutz
Thanks for sharing your tweak, Rob!
Samantha Lester
Thank you for posting this!
Amanda Obringer
Is there a way to add a "go" button after the search box? Seems like having to hit Enter isn't very intuitive for some users.
Hi Amanda, probably the easiest way to add this button is if you:
Hope this helps :)
Amanda Obringer
Great!! That is exactly what I needed! If I wanted to change what the button says, how would I do that?
Just put this code after the search code from above comment:
Cosmin Oprea
Hi. this code worked for me.. but what if I want to add a magnifying glass icon instead of Search.. how would I do that?
Trapta Singh
Hi @Cosmin,
In your style.css (if you are using default Copenhagen theme) file, go to line no. 692, and edit the content:"\1F50D" with the icon if, you want to show any other font icon.
If you want to show an image, then simply replace the code with the below code:
Let me know if you face any issue.
Team Diziana
Mark Molloy
I'm a newbie. We have Zendesk Professional. I'm trying to customize the Diziana Marbonte theme's search box background color.
Customizing the design only shows style.css. @...'s instructions say to: "Access your CSS files." Where are the CSS Files?
Ifra Saqlain
Mark, your style.css file is CSS file and there you can customize the searchbar and other things, classes are different.
Go to your style.css > Search for the class name " .search-full input[type="search"] " > and customise your searchbar.
Mark Molloy
Thank you Ifra. I'll dust off my .CSS manuals and give it a try!
Ifra Saqlain
Larry Click
Going crazy trying to find where to change the color on the main Guide Page for Copenhagen Style sheet style.css. Any help? I searched for the above words in style.css and had no luck finding them.
" .search-full input[type="search"] "
Line 692 contains only a curly bracket }
Brett Bowser
Hey Larry,
I did some testing in my own account and was able to find the appropriate code snippet. Screenshot below:
If you had any developers make any edits to your theme it's possible that this code snippet was removed so you may need to just add it back.
I hope this points you in the right direction!
Jessica Fong
Hi Team! May I know how can I change the color of the search result hyperlinks and the little erase "X" icon? Thanks!
Ifra Saqlain
You can remove the erase "X" icon by adding this code to your stylesheet:
and update the color of search results hyperlink -
For breadcrumbs:
For title:
For all hyperlinks if exist anywhere in the search results content area:
Jessica Fong
@... Thanks for the suggestion! May I know if I only want to change the color of the 'X' but not removing it, would that be possible?
Also, can I use color code instead of "yellow", "blue" for the links? thanks!
Ifra Saqlain
Yes, you can add the color code I was showing the example.
Yes but little tricky.