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Hide Search bar in help Center home page
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Data ultimo post: 23 giu 2020
is it possible to hide search bar in Help Center homepage ?
I have no article in Guide, so I'm using only ticket form.
My goal, at the moment, is to use home page only as landing for ticket submission, a thank you page with a link to my website, placing some text and link
Is there a way to achieve it ?
Thanks a lot
22 commenti
Ifra Saqlain
Hey Andrea,
You can remove this helper from your home_page.hbs :
Now searchbar would be remove from there.
You want to add only Thank You Message so you can add text on there and add anchor tag ex:
It depends on you where would you add these? If you want to use homepage as landing so remove all code from homepage and add this:
If any issue let me know :)
Thank you
Customer Admin
Yes! With
search box is gone. There is only magnifier icon, can you help me to remove it too ?
with this:
I can write in homepage correctly, but is on the left on the screen, I'm trying to write it centered
Weird thing on the link:
inserted my homepage, but hover show HC link, if I click nothing happens...
Thank you very much for help, very appreciated
Ifra Saqlain
Remove # and add your websites's link in anchor tag.
there would be use some css code for fix text center align.
Magnifier icon comes from css code.
so that need to be remove but not directly , there would be use parent class.
Ifra Saqlain
Can you provide your hc link so I can fix it and give you the code.
Customer Admin
Hi Ifra,
I Fixed alignement, removing all code and adding a DIV Style did all tricks, magnifier gone and text centered
Thanks for help for link, now everything it's ok
HC Homepage is lost, but it's what I need by now
We'll recover standard HP when Guide will be ready
Thanks for your precious support
Chris Hardy
Is there a way to hide the search bar when a user isn't signed in? We'd like all the articles behind the sign-in but the search bar is still visible when not signed in. This can cause confusion because someone can search in it but no articles are returned.
Bruce Michelsen
In the home_page.hbs file in your theme, surround the search with if signed_in statements:
{{#if signed_in}}
{{search submit=false instant=settings.instant_search class='search search-full'}}
Chris Hardy
Thanks, Bruce. Worked perfectly!
American Hospital Association
Hi, I'm trying to hide search bar in my Help Center as well since I'm only using this for submission of tickets. There are no articles. I did what was suggested above :
Travis Rider
Hey Chantal,
I've used the following article in the past: Setting up a requests-only (tickets-only) help center
Not sure if it is current but there are some tips in there that might help! Good luck!
Ifra Saqlain
Hi American Hospital Association, can you share the screenshot so I can suggest you something.
Mohd Alam Ansari
There is not any button. I am damn sure something could be do in this code.
{{search submit=false instant=settings.instant_search class='search search-full'}}
Ifra Saqlain
Hi Alam,
have a look at the screenshot:
the code you have shared - {{search submit=false instant=settings.instant_search class='search search-full'}} , it's searchbar code and you are right, you will need to enable the submit button of searchbar from submit=false to submit=true.
Remove your search-bar helper and add the one I'm giving:
{{search submit=true instant=settings.instant_search class='search search-full'}}
Output is:
have any doubt about it share that here :)
Ifra Saqlain
Ask more questions :D
Mohd Alam Ansari
Thank you Ifra Saqlain. Button is showing. Ofcourse I will ask.
Susann (Sue) Philbrook
I used the code that hides the search bar from anyone who is not signed in. However, the magnifying glass is still showing. How do I remove (or better yet hide) the magnifying icon?
Ifra Saqlain
Hi Susann (Sue) Philbrook, if you are using V2 theme, do the following to remove the searchbar from all who is not signed-in:
Theme: Copenhagen (Latest Version)
Solution 1:
You can wrap your search-bar code inside the condition- Theme
Solution 2:
Add this snippet to your document_head.js file:
search-icon class is in default theme, may be your theme has something else so check the class name of magnifying glass and replace search-icon class.
Any help, feel free to ask.
Susann (Sue) Philbrook
Solution 1 worked perfect. Thanks!
Ifra Saqlain
Great !
Dirk Pekari
Hi Team,
is it possible that it has changed that customization is not longer possible within plan "Team"?
Gabriel Manlapig
This hasn’t changed, and Zendesk Guide theme customization is available with Suite Growth or Guide Professional and up. Please view this article as a reference: Customizing your help center theme.
I hope that answers your question. Thank you!
Aprajita Ranjan
Hi Support Team,
I cant find {{search submit=false instant=settings.instant_search class='search search-full'}} in home_page.hbs
Can you please help me locate it.
I also need to remove the maginifying glass icon in top right of header.