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Time filter is not working for different status of tickets at a particular time

Con risposta

Data ultimo post: 21 dic 2021



My requirement is I wish to see total number of tickets, New ,Open ,Pending ,Onhold  for a group in particular time span, But when I select the time filter, it is not replicating. However All history option is working.
Applying the filter on created time of the ticket doesn't meet the requirement, it only shows the data of created ticket on that time span. But I want all the tickets status in that time span for a group residing in the queue.

Could you help  through this



2 commenti

[hoping the images work, ZD is showing a tiny black box instead of the pictures in edit mode]

I think the issue you're having, is that the data you want, is not in the dataset you are looking at. This is very confusing, because Zendesk's prebuilt reports make it seem like you can do this, but it’s not possible that that prebuilt dashboard shows misleading and incorrect data. 

What you're asking for, is a snapshot of how many tickets had a status *at a given time* of on-hold/open/pending. The Tickets Dataset will never return that. The Tickets dataset can *only* return the *current* status of those tickets, as they are now. 


To achieve what you're looking for, you would need to use the Backlog dataset. 

Here’s a simple example of everything you said you wanted in one single chart, on the Backlog dataset:

Now, to get it to look nice like yours, we’ll need to narrow it down to show a single status. Let’s move the group filter to the top, and select only “new” in the “Status” attribute:

That’s looking closer! Let’s set the chart to a KPI if doesn’t do it automatically: 

Now it should look like this:

Let’s add it to a new Dashboard:

Okay! Now to add in our filters. We want to add a time filter. Since we only have one query on the dashboard, it will only have one option to choose:

I also like to make mine a drop-down so it doesn’t take up so much space. I’d recommend trying out the calendar, simple, and advanced range options too, to see what you like best.
Okay, so now we have the Time filter set up, let's add in a “Data Filter”. We’re going to select “group”. This will let you select what groups you want to show the total tickets by status for.
Now you should look like this:

That’s getting there! Now comes my favorite part, reusing already made queries. Click on the metric for New Tickets, and select “Edit Query”. This will take you back to the query window. We’re going to “save as new”. Once you’ve saved a fresh copy, name it something like “Open Tickets”, and change the status filter to select only “Open”. Repeat the process for each status.

Once you’re done, you can add those queries to the Dashboard, and the filters will automatically apply to all of them.


Hi John,

Thanks for the above suggestion and I have built a query using few of your suggestions and is working fine. @Daniel Borrego - Zendesk support - thanks for your instant support 


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