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Organization fields in each ticket
Data ultimo post: 16 feb 2022
I am trying to solve an issue and I am not sure where to start. We sometimes have organizations that require special handling. We already display the customer Tier and support package in each ticket (as part of a churnzero app) but special handling are cases like:
- An organization had many issues and support needs to be extra careful with them and talk to customer success first
- The customer has a specific setup so when we help them to update to the latest version, support needs to review specific notes for this customer.
-and, and and
I created a field in the organization (customer requires special handling) and I was hoping we can find a way to display this field (which might have text and a URL in it) in each ticket so the support agent can easily see it.
I am open to any other suggestion on how we let a support engineer know if they work on a ticket for an org that is requiring some different steps for them to follow or material to review first before they work on a ticket. It needs to be a way that is easy to see.
The status special also changes. An organization is not always in this state (some might be) so ideally we can change this state easily too or populate the field via SalesForce (which is how we do this now) or via slack.
I would appreciate any suggestion//tips on how to process. To hope each support engineer clicks on the organization to review if there is special handling required, will not work, we tried that.
12 commenti
Dave Dyson
You could create a parallel ticket field that mimics your Organization field, and then for each value of that field, create a trigger that operates on newly-created tickets and sets the ticket field value to that value of the organization-level field. Then put that ticket field at the top of the list of custom ticket fields in the ticket form(s), so that your agents will always see it. If you only have a few field values, this isn't too difficult to set up.
Alison Wallace
Hi Dave! I'm glad to hear this is possible! How can I set the ticket field value to that value of the organization-level field? I don't see this as an option when I create a trigger.
As whatDave mentioned, you can create Ticket Fields similar to your org fields. Afterwards, you'll need to create a trigger that will check the condition for Organization: Custom Fields and an action to designate a value for the corresponding Ticket Field.
Vamshi R
If we have many field values(approx morethan 2000) in organization fields, how can i create the trigger?
The method above is not practical if you have that much organization fields. What I can suggest is the use of Webhooks/API in combination with triggers.
Request method
Request format
The <Custom Field ID> is the ID of the ticket field. <Field Key> is from the organization custom field.
Vamshi R
Hi Dane,
I am talking about organization field values, let me explain you.
We have an organization field "Netsuite#" and this field is having more than 2000 field values. Each Customer will be having their own Netsuite #. Now i need to populate those values on the ticket field "Netsuite id" which i created a new one..
Vamshi R
Hi Dane,
Any update on my above query?
The method I have provided above can also work for your use case.
Please take note that webhook and API utilization are outside Advocacy's scope and it needs to be performed by someone that is familiar with API. The payload below will update your custom field "Netsuite id" depending on the value of "Netsuite#".
You can refer to the articles below for more information.
Sam Misemer
Thank you for the shove in the right direction on this. I have managed to almost get to where i am going but got lost in your reply to Alison above on 4/4/22.
My use case is that we have to login to a client specific website to address certain issues for our clients. I have populated a custom field in the Organization with a RegEx url and am trying to get that to show up in the standard ticket form and get populated by a trigger.
I (as per your example above) created a corresponding custom ticket field, so far so good. I used the
Ticket /is/ Created and
MyCustomClient Web Address/ Present
for my Meet Alls
My action however does not show the Action under Organization MyCustomClient Web Address that says MyCustomClient Web Address To Ticket as you show in your screenshots.
All I get is just MyCustomClient Web Address and then a blank input box. Am I missing a step or have I misunderstood?
Thanks to anyone in advance who might be able to help :)
You'll need to go to the ticket field directly to verify what is the display name of that specific field and use it on your trigger actions.
Hello Dane,
I have a dropdown Organization field and ticket custom field where i need ORG field data should be updated on ticket custom field. Below i am attaching the json, please let me know what's the mistake in this json.
Bret Venuso
Here is an example PUT for copying an org field value to a ticket field. The ticket field in my case needed to be “Text”
The webhook will include your Account sub domain