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Tip: How to Show Popular Search Topics in Guide (HC)
Data ultimo post: 05 mar 2022
This handy tip involves customizing you Help Center to display Popular Search topics.
It could be also be used to highlight new or specific articles.
- Technical skills: Just copy and pasting
- Total duration: 5-10 minutes
To add popular searches or topics in Copenhagen Theme
- Go to Guide admin > (👁️🗨️) Customize the design.
- Choose a theme.
- Click Customize > Edit code.
- Select the following templates: "document_head.hbs", "home_page.hbs", and "style.css".
Copy and paste the code below to "document_head.hbs". Replace with your desired topic/keyword title and the links for it. The code below includes 4 topics but feel free to add as many or as few as you'd like.
Pro Tip: Base the topics/keywords from your Search dashboard, see Analyzing help center search results with Explore
<script type="text/javascript">
const HCdata = {
'popular_searches': {
"Topic 1": "https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/1260801308370--User-Tips-Tricks",
"Topic 2": "{insert search result/category/section/article link}",
"Topic 3": "{insert search result/category/section/article link}",
"Topic 4": "{insert search result/category/section/article link}",
- Now, go to "home_page.hbs".
Copy and paste the code underneath the,
{{search submit=false instant=settings.instant_search class='search search-full'}}
Note: The search icon was removed as it becomes offset when adding the code below.
<div class="popular-searches">Popular Search:
<script>const popularSearches = HCdata.popular_searches
for(let key in popularSearches) {
document.querySelector(".popular-searches").append($("<a></a>", {"href": v}).html(k));
$(".popular-searches").append($("<span></span>").html(" , "));
</div> - Then, go to "style.css".
- Add the code at the very bottom.
.popular-searches {
max-width: 960px;
margin: 0 auto;
padding-left: 5px;
text-align: left;
font-size: 15px;
color: #ffff;
margin-top: 1rem;
user-select: none;
.popular-searches a {
padding-left: 5px;
text-decoration: underline;
text-decoration-color: #ffff;
text-underline-position: under;
user-select: none;
} - Click Save in all tabs and you're done!
7 commenti
Brett Bowser
This is awesome! Thanks for sharing Edward Teach
Pulkit Sachdeva
Good stuff here. Thanks!
Tyler C. Page
Matt Farrington Smith
After a bit of experimentation I discovered you don't have to remove the search icon. You just need to change its position :-)
Look for the .search-icon line in your CSS code.
Then amend top: %;
(Mine looks right with it set to 23%)
Magudeeswar Nataraj
Hi team,
How can we enable trending topics in zendesk community forum
Tipene Hughes
To the best of my knowledge, there isn't a native trending topics functionality in Community. The closest option may be something along the lines of
. Here's a link to the docs which goes in to more detail on the helpers available to the community topic page and other pages, including the helpers mentioned above:https://developer.zendesk.com/api-reference/help_center/help-center-templates/community_topic_page/
You may be able to build something closer to your requirements by customizing your help center using Javascript. If you'd like to explore that route, here's a link that will get you moving in the right direction:
I hope this helps!
Alex | Plement
Why did you add the object in document_head.hbs and not in manifest.json? Is having data in different places will be confusing?