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Community Voting Buttons
Data ultimo post: 11 mar 2022
Currently our users have the ability to up vote or down vote a post. Zendesk voting does not account for someone mistakenly clicking on an up or down vote. If the votes were at 5 and I hit up vote it changes to 6 as expected. But if I hit upvote by mistake and wanted to no longer vote my only option is to downvote. When I down vote the total goes to 4 as opposed to back to 5. We need a way to have our users cancel out their vote if they truly did not mean to click. It should be +1, 0, -1. Current functionality only allows +1 and -1.
4 commenti
Josef Prandstetter
Reshma Patel: As far as I can see, someone who has mistakenly voted up or down can simply reset this with another click on up or down.
Reshma Patel
Josef Prandstetter that is not the behavior I see. I upvoted your comment and then down voted and it went to -1 instead of 0.
Dave Dyson
Dave Dyson
If you started with 10 votes, clicked the upvote button by mistake (taking it to 11 votes), you can restore it back to 10 votes simply by clicking the upvote button again.
If you start with 10 votes, click the upvote button by mistake (taking it to 11 votes), then click the downvote button, you're changing your upvote to a downvote, which will take the vote total to 9 votes. If you click the downvote button again, you undo you downvote, which should take the vote total back to 10.
I can see how it could be clearer to the user if (for example) we highlighted the currently-applied vote button, but it definitely is possible to restore the pre-existing vote total if one clicks a vote button by mistake.