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Please add Ticket ID to the Search dataset

Data ultimo post: 24 mar 2022

Currently you can see the number of tickets created after a search, but not what those tickets were. This makes it very difficult to do anything actionable with this data. Adding in the ticket ids that were created, would make this dataset a lot more useful. 



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Orsolya Forster

Zendesk Product Manager

Thanks for your feedback CJ Johnson,

As you wrote, the ability to drill down in the dataset and see which tickets were created is the next step for the search dataset. I'll mark this thread "Planned" once this addition is on our roadmap.



Is there any update to this?
Do you have an ETA to have this implemented?

I really need to know the Ticket ID's when i do a search so that I can drill further down into the ticket - i can get broad searches of number of tickets by month by org/client - however i cant figure out what ticket IDs are for that organization.   When i do get Ticket ID's the counts are off - and I dont know why nor can i get them for the org/client i want.


Just to add to the call for this to be added - we're very keen to know which searches/article views led to tickets, so we can work out how to improve the situation. 


Is there any update on this? It would be very helpful to our data analysis too!


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