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Please disable automatic bulleting

Data ultimo post: 31 mar 2022

Recently Zendesk was updated so that a dash and a space would automatically become a bullet point when writing responses in work orders. This is frustrating for users who do not desire this behavior (i.e. for keeping the format as plaintext-like as possible and/or easy and universal copy/paste) and is unable to be turned off. It is also inconsistent between Zendesk on the web and the mobile app. PLEASE either roll this back or add a per-account option to disable it completely.



11 commenti


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Amisha Sharma

Zendesk Product Manager

Hello Jesse Downing, Thanks for providing feedback.

The new editor has a built-in markdown editor and unfortunately, there isn't an option to disable markdown currently. However, you could undo (Cmd+Z) right after the text is autoformatted and it will go back to a dash and a space. Hope this helps!


Thanks for the feedback, Jesse!


This change has killed my productivity. I use TextExpander which allows me to type short words or phrases to paste various things into my tickets that I repeatedly do dozens of times a day. Most of them start with a dash and a space. Zendesk now converts that to a bullet and TextExpander keeps the dash and space. Now I have bullets and a dash/space and it looks horrible when I send my notes to my customers. It takes me so much longer to go back and clean up the notes.


ditto. thought I was going crazy. this has killed my productivity.  Why Why ??? 


Hi Amisha,

It is helpful that there is a way to revert the behavior, but it is still an unnecessary (and inconsistent) inconvenience. A plaintext mode (or at least the ability to disable specific shortcuts) would be extremely helpful.




Had problems with this as well, there is workaround by working a certain way but pretty frustrating when bullets don't want to co operate.


Adding to this, please give an option to turn this off, it's driving me nuts,

We need to paste information from Zendesk into our platform's admin area and it requires dash+space to work.
The first bullet point must always be undone with cmd+z
You can avoid new bulletpoints by using shift+enter for line breaks. This way a new dash and space won't create a new bulletpoint. 


I have to cancel the paste by [Ctrl]+Z, then paste with [Ctrl]+[Shift]+V again to resolve it.  I would like to have an option to disable this function as it will reduce my work efficiency.


Same here.  I use plaintext since I have to paste FAQ responses into different targets besides Zendesk (.docx, .xlsx, .pdf forms, online forms, etc.).

Now automatic formatting happens ("- ", ">> "), numbered paragraphs aren't sequenced right, and hardcoded spaces for indents are squished out.  Basically, I have to fight the auto-formatting each and every time.


I don't need MARKDOWN
Please be able to turn it off
Business is being disrupted


I have the same problem with underscores. I use them to make it easier to format my tickets, but now, thanks to the unnecessary and unwanted markdown editor, each time I use underscores before and after a word it either makes the word bold or italicized. I want the underscore marks to stay there, I'm not trying to format the word. Who would use underscore symbols to format words. It's way easier to just hit command B or I. Please give people using Zendesk the option to turn off the markdown editor function, which is just getting in the way and ruining productivity.


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