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Guided Mode suggested enhancement

Data ultimo post: 27 apr 2022

Guided mode is a great feature! One enhancement I would suggest is that admins should be able to choose which views should display in guided mode. We have multiple views for our agents that help them manage their tickets. I'm sure there are many other zendesk users who create views for specific conditions but don't require a guided mode. The flexibility to choose which views display in guided mode would be great!



23 commenti


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager


We are focusing all of our efforts on omnichannel routing, which can be seen as a replacement for play/guided mode and hence are not likely to be enhacing play mode.

We are releasing in a few weeks time routing queues, in which tickets can be ordered by SLA and assigned out to agents directly. This means agents cannot skip tickets.




Yes, it would be a great feature


We have groups enabled, yes, and we have views set up for certain groups. But there is no granular option to select which views have guided mode enabled. 


Totally agree. I feel Guided Mode is not ready for prime time because of how restricting it is.

  • No way to report on skipped tickets or at least tag them so managers/admins have an easy way to show which tickets were skipped or which agents are skipping the most.
  • Not every view should have Guided Mode enabled. For example, if an agent has tickets On-hold and they hear back from an engineer with a workaround, an agent has to click "Play" on a view and keep skipping until they find the on-hold ticket they are looking for. This is such a waste of time and suboptimal. Same for if an agent is looking for a specific Open ticket.
  • The "Your assigned tickets" view isn't edited to include On-hold tickets or grouped in a certain way to make it easier to find the ticket they're looking for.


Agreed, Allen Lai | Head of CX at Otter.ai. If it was possible to edit conditions in the view "Your assigned tickets," that would even be more helpful. This is very limiting to agents trying to view a list of tickets they've already serviced.  


Just want to add to this conversation 

- Be able to pick and choose which views are on play mode
- Be able to control what we can show in the assigned tickets view at least

- Have "Stay on the ticket" as a default option when going through the play. 


I definitely second this request


Hey ZD fam! We've been customers for nearly 10 years and we don't ask for much. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE allow us to choose which views are controlled by guided mode as we do not need an "all or nothing" solution here. I have several views that require specialized talent to work these queues and need more freerange to view and process that work. Often involving our fraud queues, copyright queues, refunds, etc and other extremely important time sensitive work that doesn't require GM oversight. At this point I really ONLY need GM for our Main inbox. Again we beg you to please build this for us (all ZD users) so we can get back to work and making our customers (and agents) happy.


Great input Wesley Readdick


Zendesk Admin user, here.
I second Mark Nino Valencia's suggestions:

- Be able to pick and choose which views are on play mode
- Be able to control what we can show in the assigned tickets view at least

- Have "Stay on the ticket" as a default option when going through the play

Also, Wesley Readdick's very valuable Feedback for the same thing. We REALLY need the ability to choose which queues get play mode applied and NOT force the admins to scan every hour and assign tickets from each folder view. That's the opposite of efficiency for us. Our team needs autonomy. Thank you.


Please build this. We all need it!!


I concur!


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

HI, Our plan is to use omnichannel routing (OcR) to accomplish this - at the moment OcR automatically assigns tickets to agents that are members of the group that the ticket is assigned to,

The plan would be to extend this so that you could create routing queues - similar to views, with conditions but specifically for routing. Then could you could prioritize these queues  - so the routing engine would assign work from priority 1 queue, and then priority 2 etc. Agents or groups of agents can be allocated to these queue, This is scheduled for 2023 release



While the coming features of Omnichannel Routing sound like it would make it more viable. It does have some lingering questions for the tickets sent to other teams with macro setting changes.

To the point of Guided/Play Mode, I frequently get asked for specific views to have the feature rather than the agent level. We lose some efficiency because there are some functions for a set of agents that need to move around more freely in one view dictating that their whole movement in Zendesk views is at will.


I agree with Monica and many others above. We need the play mode feature view based, not role based to allow for more efficiency and flexibility with our agents. At times it hinders productivity instead of helping.


I agree with the requests. Today, Guided Mode doesn't help as expected, because:

- Agent Role/Function defines how this is gonna work, instead of the queue.
- Personal queue from guided mode can't be edited. 
- Managers/Team leaders can't see skipped tickets by users and the amount. 
- We can't set every user as an Admin, to see the skipped tickets. 

So, there's not a way to evaluate how much this option is helping or hindering the team. 

A good Guided Mode would be a master key on the use :/ 


Adding a comment here to resurface this request.

Please give us a guided mode that allows for:

- Queue-based guided mode (that allows you to pick from the groups that you already have)
- Personal queue management ability for On-holds or pending tickets. 
- Managers/Team leaders access to skipped tickets by users and the amount. 
- Drop down (customizable) options in the "why are you skipping this ticket?" box
- Remove the options to filter from newest to oldest and only go by SLAs
- Remove the ability to skip a ticket without selecting a skipping reason. 


We would love this capability as well to pick which views/queues are guided mode and which ones aren't. Any update on this?


We just switched to Guided Mode due to email cherry-picking, and were disappointed by the blunt approach this takes, applying to all views, with no admin control over this experience. The “your assigned tickets” view is clogged with 100 Pending tickets that our reps don't need to see, and we apparently have no way for them to access the 5 or so tickets that they actually have in Open or On-Hold and need to keep an eye on.  


Omnichannel routing will not work for us, since we are primarily a phone center, and some reps will be busy on the phones, get assigned emails, and those emails will sit in their queue all day before getting thrown back into the email pool when the rep closes Zendesk at the end of the day. We want to make sure that our customer's emails are getting answered on a first come, first served basis, and Omnichannel routing seems to too easily allow poor customer service practices.


Completely agree we really want ability to pick and choose views that force guided mode!


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Pedro Rodrigues

Community Moderator

Hi Kevin Fisher and Chris Rose , just sharing this link here in case you'd like to upvote this (not planned) feature request: Your Assigned Tickets (or improved Guided mode views). Cheers!


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Barry Neary

Zendesk Product Manager

Hi Kevin

You could have agents select a custom status that allows calls to be assigned to them but not emails? Then these emails cannot automatically overflow to a secondary group…..


Hi Barry, we just want to make sure that customer's that email us first get a response first. Reps need to answer both phone calls and emails throughout the day, but we can't have them get assigned emails that could potentially sit in their queue all day unanswered. 

The play button prevents that, you get served only that email when you have a moment to do one, but Guided Mode is too blunt and applies to every view, which defeats the purpose. Reps can't even see their assigned open tickets without entering a guided view.

I'm thinking that Omnichannel with an email limit of 1 email served per rep is the best we can do at the moment, but it's not ideal.


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