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Hiding a Form From All Users Except Member of an Organization

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Data ultimo post: 02 mag 2022

We need to hide one form in the Help Center from all of our Zendesk users, except for the members of one organization.

I've found articles on hiding a form from everyone in an organization (https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408886229146-How-can-I-hide-ticket-forms-based-on-a-user-s-organization-)  and hiding a form from the drop-down menu in the Help Center (https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/4411892827674-How-to-hide-dropdown-field-value-in-the-request-form-for-End-User-).

But I can't seem to get the pieces to fit together. Anyone know how we would do this?



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