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External Email Address Mapping Name and Email fields

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Data ultimo post: 24 mag 2022

Hello, we added in an external address and got everything validated and tickets are being created from emails sent to a specific address. I created a trigger to assign the ticket based on Received at and that works fine. We created some custom ticket fields and I was wondering if it were possible to inject at least the email address into this field automatically as part of a trigger. Any help at all would be great, thank you!



3 commenti

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Nicole Saunders

Zendesk Community Manager

Hey Brian - 

To make sure we understand what you're asking, you want to create a trigger that autofills the requester's email address into a custom ticket field, is that correct? 


That is correct Nicole. We have custom fields for first name, last name, and email. 


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The Product Manager Whisperer - 2022Community Moderator

I'm pretty sure you can't do that simply via a trigger. You can probably do it with a trigger that fires a web hook to an API call that fills in the field. That's outside my level of expertise, though. Definitely a developer question.


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